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Reaganomics/Thatcherism is probably the most important influence on global society in the last 35 years.


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Reaganomics/Thatcherism is probably the most important influence on global society in the last 35 years. Reaganomics, Reagan another president with dementia, was a puppet of firebrand capitalist ideologues who take their vision for the world straight from the Liberal Party of the 19th-century, (and so has the posh name of Neo-Economic Liberalism). The capitalist ideologues were intent on wielding the strength of the state to destroy the insidious growth of the state directed capital investment which they believed was communism.

After 1917 Russian state direction of capital investment saw growth in the Russian Empire, beyond the wildest dreams of the economically depressed Britain and America. Adolf Hitler's state direction of capital investment AGAIN saw an economy that had been destroyed by First World War defeat and economic nobbling, transformed into a state directed private economy that could build a military machine that could fight a Second World War on many fronts (some economists describe Adolf as the first Keynesian). The Second World War saw the British and American states take over massive percentages of the direction of capital investment. So close were the Conservative and Labour parties reputation state direction of capital investment it was called Butskellism. Both parties nationalised and took under democratic control large sections of industry and services. The war Allies directed capital investment through their proxies in Germany and Japan, and provided much of that capital investment. In short global politics moved towards state direction of capital investment to ward off a recurring's of the great depression. This massive change in the global politics to increased state direction of capital investment of the most economically significant countries stimulated the greatest and longest boom in capitalist history!!! However by the time of the oil crisis of the 1970s it was becoming clear not only was the direction of capital not going to eradicate the necessity of capitalism for economic depression, it was making matters worse.

Absolutely central to the Reaganites was the steadfast belief that the billionaire entrepreneurs with the sole producers of wealth. Bricklayers, engineers, coalminers, sailors, any form of labour were merely little helpers to the real wealth producers, the billionaire entrepreneurs, and so the money needed taking from the state and given to the billionaire entrepreneurs to create wealth. They believe if you give the money to the billionaire entrepreneurs "wealth would trickle down to the rest of society", and with those words and American backing, the puppet Thatcher was born.

Before Margaret Thatcher The Conservative Party had fought the 19th-century Liberal Party against the policies which were Thatcherite . The Tory Party, from whom the Conservatives evolved, were a party born out of opposition to the capitalism of the Whigs Party. A party who wanted to do away with democracy, and return to monarchical rule. So not only are they the oldest party in the world, they were the oldest anticapitalist party in the world.

The Conservative Party fought the " global free market, globalism" of the Liberals (Reaganites) in the 19th-century. There was British tariffs against the imports of foreign corn which the Liberals abolished in favour of free trade, defeating the Conservatives. This is why when Thatcher came to power she declared open warfare on the influence of the "Wets" Conservatism, who believed in British monarchical Lord and Lady paternalist protection for British industry/workers from the hostility of the global free market.

So the ideas of the Reaganites/Thatcherites that had been exported from Britain at the time of the American Revolution from Britain, now returned to Britain as a foreign import, opposing traditional British paternal protectionist politics of Tory/Conservatives and Labour.

Once the Reaganites/Thatcherites had control of the state, they used the state to cut the first bit of red tape, and simultaneously in Britain and America the state declared class war on the trade unions whose greatest strength coincided with the greatest economic boom of the 70s and the biggest growth in the wealth ordinary people throughout the post-war years, year upon year, living standards and generational wealth rising. The trade unions, and the state-controlled companies, where the enemy number one and two.

Throughout the post-war years the trade unions in both America and Britain had been strong. Any pulling of labour out of production had massive effect upon the profits of the private billionaire entrepreneurs. And so year upon year even though there were battles , there was also great conceding of wealth to the producing people of Britain and America from the billionaire entrepreneurs. As the post-war boom failed, and so the never-ending profits of the billionaire entrepreneurs, the battle lines were drew. After the defeats of the miners unions, the press unions (for Murdoch) and other unions in the UK, trade union leaders began to speak of "New Realism".

Thatcherites had a particular grievance of humiliation to go for the jugular when fighting the trade unions, because of what the miners trade unions and the people of the UK had did when Edward Heath Prime Minister had asked "who do you want to run the country, the Prime Minister or the trade unions" and the people elected the political voice of the trade union movement the Labour Party. Nicholas Ridley, Conservative, described taking on the producing people's trade unions one at a time as "salami tactics". And so the trade unions were taken on with every means necessary. Stockpiles of coal made. A illegal NATIONAL police force was organised to break the strikers. The voice of the Conservatives, the BBC showed on national to television the miners throwing stones, and then the police attacking miners. Many years later it was discovered the BBC had switched the order of the footage were in fact the police had horse and batten charged the miners, and the miners had responded. Rupert Murdoch, personally assured about his battles to come with the trade unions, through his full weight behind Conservative class war on the ideological front. After beating the trade unions, Thatcher gave the "family fortune" of oil, rail, power, telecom, steel to their billionaire entrepreneur Conservative Party supporters, billionaire entrepreneurs.

With the defeats the British trade union leaders argue that the trade unions had to change, accept a "New Realism". They could no longer win concessions by being adversarial. Not only that, Thatcher in the class war with the miners had made it clear she would economically destroy trade unions, and so the jobs of the trade union bureaucrats, by use of the courts and sequesteration. So with "New Realism", all the trade unions could do, the trade union bureaucrats argued, was provide good services for their members in negotiating without conflict.

After "New Realism" came "New Labour". With the breaking of the the trade union movement so did the Labour Party's period of being in the political wilderness. Many attempts were made to "modernise the Labour Party" to "New Realism" by such as Neil Kinnock, but each one was unelectable. Until the great white hope of the globalists, Tony Blair. Tony Blair's "New Labour". Norman Tebbit had once said, the greatest tribute to Margaret Thatcher will occur when the Labour Party runs the country like Margaret Thatcher would have done. Tony Blair, New Labour, have totally accepted the argument that the state should not direct capital investment, or do anything against the free market . Tony Blair promised a kinder version of Thatcherism, but in the end did everything Norman Tebbit had desired, and privatised more with privatisations of education and the loading of debt to private companies of the NHS et cetera. "As a banker I like the Private Funding Initiative of the New Labour Party, but as a citizen I worry about the future for taxpayers and the NHS." Said one banker in the 2000s . And finally something the Tories have always voted for, a jolly good war.

So, economic liberalism, Thatcherism/Reaganism, globalism, capitalism is evolving to supersede the nation state. If you do away with the state, who fills the vacuum of power? Multinational companies with economies larger than some countries? Arms, oil and other industries, all who own "the best 'democracy' money can buy"? Globalisation is economic liberalism, Thatcherism that's why Trump is part of the game, the Republican judges decision on Trump has opened the door to dictatorship of whom when Trump's gone?

But even that's a joke, because we don't have globalisation. We have a North American treaty block. We have a European block. Russian block. Chinese moving into Africa block. Oil money block. Euro Asian block. "There are no friends, and enemies, only interests." Pep Guardiola👍
This one's a bit late to the party. The New Right of the 80s (no one called it neoliberalism then) paved the way for the globalization of the 1990s and after. The emerging multipolar world is going to be a lot more complicated than that. Some global links will remain, but not will the frontiers of the state not be rolled back, they will roll forward in a lot of places.
Reaganomics/Thatcherism is probably the most important influence on global society in the last 35 years. Reaganomics, Reagan another president with dementia, was a puppet of firebrand capitalist ideologues who take their vision for the world straight from the Liberal Party of the 19th-century, (and so has the posh name of Neo-Economic Liberalism). The capitalist ideologues were intent on wielding the strength of the state to destroy the insidious growth of the state directed capital investment which they believed was communism.

After 1917 Russian state direction of capital investment saw growth in the Russian Empire, beyond the wildest dreams of the economically depressed Britain and America. Adolf Hitler's state direction of capital investment AGAIN saw an economy that had been destroyed by First World War defeat and economic nobbling, transformed into a state directed private economy that could build a military machine that could fight a Second World War on many fronts (some economists describe Adolf as the first Keynesian). The Second World War saw the British and American states take over massive percentages of the direction of capital investment. So close were the Conservative and Labour parties reputation state direction of capital investment it was called Butskellism. Both parties nationalised and took under democratic control large sections of industry and services. The war Allies directed capital investment through their proxies in Germany and Japan, and provided much of that capital investment. In short global politics moved towards state direction of capital investment to ward off a recurring's of the great depression. This massive change in the global politics to increased state direction of capital investment of the most economically significant countries stimulated the greatest and longest boom in capitalist history!!! However by the time of the oil crisis of the 1970s it was becoming clear not only was the direction of capital not going to eradicate the necessity of capitalism for economic depression, it was making matters worse.

Absolutely central to the Reaganites was the steadfast belief that the billionaire entrepreneurs with the sole producers of wealth. Bricklayers, engineers, coalminers, sailors, any form of labour were merely little helpers to the real wealth producers, the billionaire entrepreneurs, and so the money needed taking from the state and given to the billionaire entrepreneurs to create wealth. They believe if you give the money to the billionaire entrepreneurs "wealth would trickle down to the rest of society", and with those words and American backing, the puppet Thatcher was born.

Before Margaret Thatcher The Conservative Party had fought the 19th-century Liberal Party against the policies which were Thatcherite . The Tory Party, from whom the Conservatives evolved, were a party born out of opposition to the capitalism of the Whigs Party. A party who wanted to do away with democracy, and return to monarchical rule. So not only are they the oldest party in the world, they were the oldest anticapitalist party in the world.

The Conservative Party fought the " global free market, globalism" of the Liberals (Reaganites) in the 19th-century. There was British tariffs against the imports of foreign corn which the Liberals abolished in favour of free trade, defeating the Conservatives. This is why when Thatcher came to power she declared open warfare on the influence of the "Wets" Conservatism, who believed in British monarchical Lord and Lady paternalist protection for British industry/workers from the hostility of the global free market.

So the ideas of the Reaganites/Thatcherites that had been exported from Britain at the time of the American Revolution from Britain, now returned to Britain as a foreign import, opposing traditional British paternal protectionist politics of Tory/Conservatives and Labour.

Once the Reaganites/Thatcherites had control of the state, they used the state to cut the first bit of red tape, and simultaneously in Britain and America the state declared class war on the trade unions whose greatest strength coincided with the greatest economic boom of the 70s and the biggest growth in the wealth ordinary people throughout the post-war years, year upon year, living standards and generational wealth rising. The trade unions, and the state-controlled companies, where the enemy number one and two.

Throughout the post-war years the trade unions in both America and Britain had been strong. Any pulling of labour out of production had massive effect upon the profits of the private billionaire entrepreneurs. And so year upon year even though there were battles , there was also great conceding of wealth to the producing people of Britain and America from the billionaire entrepreneurs. As the post-war boom failed, and so the never-ending profits of the billionaire entrepreneurs, the battle lines were drew. After the defeats of the miners unions, the press unions (for Murdoch) and other unions in the UK, trade union leaders began to speak of "New Realism".

Thatcherites had a particular grievance of humiliation to go for the jugular when fighting the trade unions, because of what the miners trade unions and the people of the UK had did when Edward Heath Prime Minister had asked "who do you want to run the country, the Prime Minister or the trade unions" and the people elected the political voice of the trade union movement the Labour Party. Nicholas Ridley, Conservative, described taking on the producing people's trade unions one at a time as "salami tactics". And so the trade unions were taken on with every means necessary. Stockpiles of coal made. A illegal NATIONAL police force was organised to break the strikers. The voice of the Conservatives, the BBC showed on national to television the miners throwing stones, and then the police attacking miners. Many years later it was discovered the BBC had switched the order of the footage were in fact the police had horse and batten charged the miners, and the miners had responded. Rupert Murdoch, personally assured about his battles to come with the trade unions, through his full weight behind Conservative class war on the ideological front. After beating the trade unions, Thatcher gave the "family fortune" of oil, rail, power, telecom, steel to their billionaire entrepreneur Conservative Party supporters, billionaire entrepreneurs.

With the defeats the British trade union leaders argue that the trade unions had to change, accept a "New Realism". They could no longer win concessions by being adversarial. Not only that, Thatcher in the class war with the miners had made it clear she would economically destroy trade unions, and so the jobs of the trade union bureaucrats, by use of the courts and sequesteration. So with "New Realism", all the trade unions could do, the trade union bureaucrats argued, was provide good services for their members in negotiating without conflict.

After "New Realism" came "New Labour". With the breaking of the the trade union movement so did the Labour Party's period of being in the political wilderness. Many attempts were made to "modernise the Labour Party" to "New Realism" by such as Neil Kinnock, but each one was unelectable. Until the great white hope of the globalists, Tony Blair. Tony Blair's "New Labour". Norman Tebbit had once said, the greatest tribute to Margaret Thatcher will occur when the Labour Party runs the country like Margaret Thatcher would have done. Tony Blair, New Labour, have totally accepted the argument that the state should not direct capital investment, or do anything against the free market . Tony Blair promised a kinder version of Thatcherism, but in the end did everything Norman Tebbit had desired, and privatised more with privatisations of education and the loading of debt to private companies of the NHS et cetera. "As a banker I like the Private Funding Initiative of the New Labour Party, but as a citizen I worry about the future for taxpayers and the NHS." Said one banker in the 2000s . And finally something the Tories have always voted for, a jolly good war.

So, economic liberalism, Thatcherism/Reaganism, globalism, capitalism is evolving to supersede the nation state. If you do away with the state, who fills the vacuum of power? Multinational companies with economies larger than some countries? Arms, oil and other industries, all who own "the best 'democracy' money can buy"? Globalisation is economic liberalism, Thatcherism that's why Trump is part of the game, the Republican judges decision on Trump has opened the door to dictatorship of whom when Trump's gone?

But even that's a joke, because we don't have globalisation. We have a North American treaty block. We have a European block. Russian block. Chinese moving into Africa block. Oil money block. Euro Asian block. "There are no friends, and enemies, only interests." Pep Guardiola👍
Your no friends or enemies bit wasn't coined by guardiola. It's at least 70 years auld.
Reaganomics/Thatcherism is probably the most important influence on global society in the last 35 years. Reaganomics, Reagan another president with dementia, was a puppet of firebrand capitalist ideologues who take their vision for the world straight from the Liberal Party of the 19th-century, (and so has the posh name of Neo-Economic Liberalism). The capitalist ideologues were intent on wielding the strength of the state to destroy the insidious growth of the state directed capital investment which they believed was communism.

After 1917 Russian state direction of capital investment saw growth in the Russian Empire, beyond the wildest dreams of the economically depressed Britain and America. Adolf Hitler's state direction of capital investment AGAIN saw an economy that had been destroyed by First World War defeat and economic nobbling, transformed into a state directed private economy that could build a military machine that could fight a Second World War on many fronts (some economists describe Adolf as the first Keynesian). The Second World War saw the British and American states take over massive percentages of the direction of capital investment. So close were the Conservative and Labour parties reputation state direction of capital investment it was called Butskellism. Both parties nationalised and took under democratic control large sections of industry and services. The war Allies directed capital investment through their proxies in Germany and Japan, and provided much of that capital investment. In short global politics moved towards state direction of capital investment to ward off a recurring's of the great depression. This massive change in the global politics to increased state direction of capital investment of the most economically significant countries stimulated the greatest and longest boom in capitalist history!!! However by the time of the oil crisis of the 1970s it was becoming clear not only was the direction of capital not going to eradicate the necessity of capitalism for economic depression, it was making matters worse.

Absolutely central to the Reaganites was the steadfast belief that the billionaire entrepreneurs with the sole producers of wealth. Bricklayers, engineers, coalminers, sailors, any form of labour were merely little helpers to the real wealth producers, the billionaire entrepreneurs, and so the money needed taking from the state and given to the billionaire entrepreneurs to create wealth. They believe if you give the money to the billionaire entrepreneurs "wealth would trickle down to the rest of society", and with those words and American backing, the puppet Thatcher was born.

Before Margaret Thatcher The Conservative Party had fought the 19th-century Liberal Party against the policies which were Thatcherite . The Tory Party, from whom the Conservatives evolved, were a party born out of opposition to the capitalism of the Whigs Party. A party who wanted to do away with democracy, and return to monarchical rule. So not only are they the oldest party in the world, they were the oldest anticapitalist party in the world.

The Conservative Party fought the " global free market, globalism" of the Liberals (Reaganites) in the 19th-century. There was British tariffs against the imports of foreign corn which the Liberals abolished in favour of free trade, defeating the Conservatives. This is why when Thatcher came to power she declared open warfare on the influence of the "Wets" Conservatism, who believed in British monarchical Lord and Lady paternalist protection for British industry/workers from the hostility of the global free market.

So the ideas of the Reaganites/Thatcherites that had been exported from Britain at the time of the American Revolution from Britain, now returned to Britain as a foreign import, opposing traditional British paternal protectionist politics of Tory/Conservatives and Labour.

Once the Reaganites/Thatcherites had control of the state, they used the state to cut the first bit of red tape, and simultaneously in Britain and America the state declared class war on the trade unions whose greatest strength coincided with the greatest economic boom of the 70s and the biggest growth in the wealth ordinary people throughout the post-war years, year upon year, living standards and generational wealth rising. The trade unions, and the state-controlled companies, where the enemy number one and two.

Throughout the post-war years the trade unions in both America and Britain had been strong. Any pulling of labour out of production had massive effect upon the profits of the private billionaire entrepreneurs. And so year upon year even though there were battles , there was also great conceding of wealth to the producing people of Britain and America from the billionaire entrepreneurs. As the post-war boom failed, and so the never-ending profits of the billionaire entrepreneurs, the battle lines were drew. After the defeats of the miners unions, the press unions (for Murdoch) and other unions in the UK, trade union leaders began to speak of "New Realism".

Thatcherites had a particular grievance of humiliation to go for the jugular when fighting the trade unions, because of what the miners trade unions and the people of the UK had did when Edward Heath Prime Minister had asked "who do you want to run the country, the Prime Minister or the trade unions" and the people elected the political voice of the trade union movement the Labour Party. Nicholas Ridley, Conservative, described taking on the producing people's trade unions one at a time as "salami tactics". And so the trade unions were taken on with every means necessary. Stockpiles of coal made. A illegal NATIONAL police force was organised to break the strikers. The voice of the Conservatives, the BBC showed on national to television the miners throwing stones, and then the police attacking miners. Many years later it was discovered the BBC had switched the order of the footage were in fact the police had horse and batten charged the miners, and the miners had responded. Rupert Murdoch, personally assured about his battles to come with the trade unions, through his full weight behind Conservative class war on the ideological front. After beating the trade unions, Thatcher gave the "family fortune" of oil, rail, power, telecom, steel to their billionaire entrepreneur Conservative Party supporters, billionaire entrepreneurs.

With the defeats the British trade union leaders argue that the trade unions had to change, accept a "New Realism". They could no longer win concessions by being adversarial. Not only that, Thatcher in the class war with the miners had made it clear she would economically destroy trade unions, and so the jobs of the trade union bureaucrats, by use of the courts and sequesteration. So with "New Realism", all the trade unions could do, the trade union bureaucrats argued, was provide good services for their members in negotiating without conflict.

After "New Realism" came "New Labour". With the breaking of the the trade union movement so did the Labour Party's period of being in the political wilderness. Many attempts were made to "modernise the Labour Party" to "New Realism" by such as Neil Kinnock, but each one was unelectable. Until the great white hope of the globalists, Tony Blair. Tony Blair's "New Labour". Norman Tebbit had once said, the greatest tribute to Margaret Thatcher will occur when the Labour Party runs the country like Margaret Thatcher would have done. Tony Blair, New Labour, have totally accepted the argument that the state should not direct capital investment, or do anything against the free market . Tony Blair promised a kinder version of Thatcherism, but in the end did everything Norman Tebbit had desired, and privatised more with privatisations of education and the loading of debt to private companies of the NHS et cetera. "As a banker I like the Private Funding Initiative of the New Labour Party, but as a citizen I worry about the future for taxpayers and the NHS." Said one banker in the 2000s . And finally something the Tories have always voted for, a jolly good war.

So, economic liberalism, Thatcherism/Reaganism, globalism, capitalism is evolving to supersede the nation state. If you do away with the state, who fills the vacuum of power? Multinational companies with economies larger than some countries? Arms, oil and other industries, all who own "the best 'democracy' money can buy"? Globalisation is economic liberalism, Thatcherism that's why Trump is part of the game, the Republican judges decision on Trump has opened the door to dictatorship of whom when Trump's gone?

But even that's a joke, because we don't have globalisation. We have a North American treaty block. We have a European block. Russian block. Chinese moving into Africa block. Oil money block. Euro Asian block. "There are no friends, and enemies, only interests." Pep Guardiola👍
Plus there's no way you're actually expecting anyone to read your post. So why not post a couple of sentence summary
"There are no friends, and enemies, only interests." Pep Guardiola👍

"The socialism I believe in isn’t really politics. It is a way of living. It is humanity. I believe the only way to live and to be truly successful is by collective effort, with everyone working for each other, everyone helping each other, and everyone having a share of the rewards at the end of the day. That might be asking a lot, but it’s the way I see football and the way I see life" Bill Shankly 👍
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