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Railton Road Low Traffic Neighbourhood - Help please

I might not have got a letter because I don't live directly around the area.
Different ward maybe.

The thing is, everyone is affected. If Lambeth is doing it like Wandsworth, and I think they are, there's an online consultation where anyone can give feedback. HOWEVER they have alienated and left a lot of people out by making it hard for people to voice their opinion, for example, by keeping a lot of it internet based and keeping information to a minimum (i.e. you have to go out looking for it, rather than, as a resident, being informed of the trial schemes). A lof of people don't spend time online, so they are clueless as to what's going on, or why!

There seems to be a very forceful push to get people to walk/cycle, but A LOT of people can't cycle/walk or have to drive for a living. Also now all the buses are stuck in traffic too, so that mode of public transport is taking a lot longer to get anywhere.
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The thing is, everyone is affected. If Lambeth is doing it like Wandsworth, and I think they are, there's an online consultation where anyone can give feedback. HOWEVER they have alienated and left a lot of people out by making it hard for people to voice their opinion, for example, by keeping a lot of it internet based and keeping information to a minimum (i.e. you have to go out looking for it, rather than, as a resident, being informed of the trial schemes). A lof of people don't spend time online, so they are clueless as to what's going on, or why!

There seems to be a very forceful push to get people to walk/cycle, but A LOT of people can't cycle/walk or have to drive for a living. Also now all the buses are stuck in traffic too, so that mode of public transport is taking a lot longer to get anywhere.
They are making a lot of the main bus lanes 24x7 to clear the path for buses. Oh and fine anyone £130 who strays/parks in said bus lanes
So its not "clearly a set of grassroots efforts set up by a PR company".
It 100% is, all these well designed websites, twitter accounts etc spring up almost overnight,

They are making a lot of the main bus lanes 24x7 to clear the path for buses. Oh and fine anyone £130 who strays/parks in said bus lanes

I think 24x7 bus lanes are ok. On A24 between Balham & Tooting Bec the bus lane is actually GONE!!! And now the bus stop is an island while all the traffic has a single lane! So ALL vehicles are stuck, including buses. WTF?
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It 100% is, all these well designed websites, twitter accounts etc spring up almost overnight,

The same happened to OneWandsworth... I have questions about how it all got organised so well and so quickly. I figured they just contact or get contacted by existing ones and use a template? But yeah, I'd like more transparency. For example one of the founding members has stepped down due to other commitments but she presented herself as a local resident and a mother. But it just seemed odd. As if her work was done and now she was moving on to something else. Like a professional campaign organiser.

We'll see, the thing is I agree LTNs were done hurriedly and badly, so, for now I'm concentrating on bringing the chaos to an end. All the money wasted on planters and then cameras, which could have gone elsewhere :(

It's annoying AND inaccurate when people supporting LTNs spread rumours saying we're right wing, cabbies, EDL because it couldn't be further from the truth. There are lots of women, mothers, nhs workers, cyclists, delivery drivers, disabled, tradespeople, local businesses, social workers in there. People from all walks 😉 of life who have had their lives very negatively impacted. Over 3000 members on the Facebook group!
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It 100% is, all these well designed websites, twitter accounts etc spring up almost overnight,

No proof.
As Ive said repeatedly on the Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood thread Im critically supportive of LTNs.

I do however really dislike the way that anyone who opposes them is categorised as either a racist Cabbie for example or other tack is of the conspiracy theory variety. Its all has some kind of right wing hidden hand behind it.
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It's annoying AND inaccurate when people supporting LTNs spread rumours saying we're right wing, cabbies, EDL because it couldn't be further from the truth. There are lots of women, mothers, nhs workers, cyclists, delivery drivers, disabled, tradespeople, local businesses, social workers in there. People from all walks 😉 of life who have had their lives very negatively impacted. Over 3000 members on the Facebook group!

Yes, all of the websites say exactly this
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