Addicted to handstands!
I might not have got a letter because I don't live directly around the area.
Different ward maybe.
The thing is, everyone is affected. If Lambeth is doing it like Wandsworth, and I think they are, there's an online consultation where anyone can give feedback. HOWEVER they have alienated and left a lot of people out by making it hard for people to voice their opinion, for example, by keeping a lot of it internet based and keeping information to a minimum (i.e. you have to go out looking for it, rather than, as a resident, being informed of the trial schemes). A lof of people don't spend time online, so they are clueless as to what's going on, or why!
There seems to be a very forceful push to get people to walk/cycle, but A LOT of people can't cycle/walk or have to drive for a living. Also now all the buses are stuck in traffic too, so that mode of public transport is taking a lot longer to get anywhere.
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