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Post your new tunes (z)


Number two.

Okay crue, post it, and post it well:p

(Edited by the drink police)
rutabowa said:
that is really freaky and good. the guitar sound is ace i guess it is a sample?

it's a 3rd generation sample of sorts, can anyone guess where it came from, newer more cohesive version coming later,
chazegee said:
Made this one last week, it sounded great at the time, but now It sounds a bit like Status Quo versus Whigfield:( :D

www.myspace.com/chazegee it's called big balls remix

That tune was made even more hilarious by the fact that your top comment is from a young lady advertising penis enlargement pills, she obviously thinks a big cock is needed to match big balls. Cool tune :)
Couple of sound tracky type things I'm working on here. MP3 streams.

One's a bit sparse and I think the other's a little boring.
The Watch

In from the Dark

Actually the drums are missing a kick on that last one. Must fix.
My first dubstep

No not a new toy by those creative minds over at fisher price, but my first tune of the genre and my first tune in a year. For some reason the hihats sound a bit odd on myspace but they don't sound like that when played normally. Anyway feedback is appreciated and add me as a pal if you like, i've only just done this page and am seriously lacking as you will see.

Smoky said:
No not a new toy by those creative minds over at fisher price, but my first tune of the genre and my first tune in a year. For some reason the hihats sound a bit odd on myspace but they don't sound like that when played normally. Anyway feedback is appreciated and add me as a pal if you like, i've only just done this page and am seriously lacking as you will see.


sounds fucking heavy mate. the only things I'd say is a couple of the samples sound a bit gated- that big roll for instance, maybe sustain them a bit so it gives it more flow. I like the rustly drums although i imagine some people would be staring at the speakers a bit if you played it on a big system. :D wicked tune though overall. :cool:
boing! said:
sounds fucking heavy mate. the only things I'd say is a couple of the samples sound a bit gated- that big roll for instance, maybe sustain them a bit so it gives it more flow. I like the rustly drums although i imagine some people would be staring at the speakers a bit if you played it on a big system. wicked tune though overall. :cool:

Cheers for the feedback, yeah i'm still not 100% happy with it, nearly there but I got bored of tweeking it. That rustly drum is this:-


It's called a Daf.
The daf is a type of frame drum that is depicted in many Persian miniatures and has reliefs from centuries ago. Although it appears at first sight to be a relatively simple instrument, the daf has the potential of producing intricate rhythmic patterns and sounds. The daf is equipped with metal rings on the inside which add a jingle effect to the sound. The frame is covered with goat-skin.

And the instrument before the drop is this:-


Which is a santur.
The santur is a three-octave wooden-hammered dulcimer with seventy-two strings which are arranged on adjustable tuning pegs in eighteen quadruple sets, nine (bronze) in the low register, and nine (steel) in the middle register.
The Santur can be made from various kinds of wood (walnut, rosewood, betel palm, etc.) depending on the desired sound quality. The front and the back of the instrument are connected by soundposts whose positions play an important role in the sound quality of the instrument.
Although the santur is very old, it was neither depicted in miniatures, nor presented in any other medium until the nineteenth century.

And of course last but certainly not least is the ney


The Ney, which is probably the oldest pitched instrument known to man, is an oblique rim blown reed flute with five finger holes in front and one thumb hole in the back. One of the principle instruments of Traditional Persian Music, the ney has a range of two and a half octaves. The upper end is covered by a short brass cylinder which is anchored in the tiny space between the upper incisives of the player. Sound is produced when a stream of air is directed by the tongue toward the opening of the instrument. In this way, sound is produced behind the upper teeth, inside the mouth, which gives the ney a distinct timbre than that of the sound produced by the lips on

Just in case you or anyone else was wondering like :D oh and I have no idea what the Iranian fella is saying so if anyone speaks Iranian fluently please feel free to translate.
xenon_2 said:
Couple of sound tracky type things I'm working on here. MP3 streams.

One's a bit sparse and I think the other's a little boring.
The Watch
Stayed with me for a good few minutes. Imvho, there some very nice bits to it. The 3 note start to the guitaury bit sounded good imvho :D
Dr_Herbz said:
Needs the lyrics adding and cleaning up a bit but it's getting there...

Toxic Blonde

I quite like that as it happens, the string sound at the end could do with elaborating, but then until you add the vocal I guess you won't know where to go with it... nice work dude!
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