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AI Beatles new song...

That one is quite scarily good. Except for the Morrison vocal being off as you say it's instantly recognisable as the doors.

The keyboard is reminiscent of Ray Manzarek but apart from that it’s nothing like the Doors.
Agreed x10
I'm no beatles fan, but he is truly great. A musical drummer, making the drums effortlessly work for the song. A top drawer, dare I say, inspirational, creatve drummer that bought something else to the table. Magic.

That’s the point about Ringo: that he made it seem like he was doing nothin much while actually laying down a solid foundation for some of the most influential music ever made.

If a successful dancer or actor made it look like they weren’t putting much work into a fantastic collaborative piece of work they‘d never be accused of being no good.
the ai beatles is shit. the doors one sounds very gerneric. both bands were full of musical inventivieness and imagination that is totally lacking.

AS for ringo - he was a great drummer - his work with the beatles is subtle, working expertly with the rest of the music - a million miles away from a "steady eddy" pub drummer - and a bonham or moon style basherama would not have worked.
his drumming - along with the harmonies and mc cartneys bass playing were integral to their sound. harrison - although a fine song writer - was least interesting intrumentally IMHO - wasnt most of the beatles best guitar work was done by mc cartney? . (i.e taxman)
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I really hate AI being made to create art. Call me a luddite but I think AI needs to 'stay in its lane' (as we say these days), do weather forecasting, data analysis, flow modelling etc, stuff that involves millions of calculations that would be a waste of time and energy if a human did it.

Art, music, writing, design, cooking, philosophy and other creative, imaginative, conceptual tasks need to remain things we do ourselves. Otherwise, what's the point in us at all?
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I think they will, because a lot of 'AI artists' (who tend to be artists in the same way that someone who phones for a pizza is a 'phone chef') work is glossily bland. Almost as if that it's the practice/process of making music, or art, or writing, trains the brain to make better music/writing/art/etc and using AI means that you're not working those neural pathways, and it's the collaboration between people, rather than a person and a bit of ML that makes big projects like film, etc.
Maybe AI will only take the jobs of those who create bland, derivative, gerneric, mass produced shite?
Not AI but:

Beatles - Don Quijote's Marijuana - (rare unreleased, incomplete). Each of them do appear but you have to watch for them.

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