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Portsmouth parking tips


blah blah blah
Sorry in advance for such a drab question.

I'm getting the ferry from Portsmouth to the continent next week and have had to ditch the plan of getting the train with the bikes as there are strikes and no guarantees of bike (and pannier) space. So I've got a second hand bike rack and driving to Portsmouth. Just wanted to know if there was a bland suburb with no residents parking that I could leave the car for a week?

You’re going to find a lot of Portsea Island is residents-only, and what isn’t is still likely to be a stretch. Best to try the suburbs on the mainland.

The line of suburbia running east-to-west along the A2030 Havant Road, through the anonymous suburbs of Bedhampton, Farlington and Drayton will throw up plenty of options where you could hopefully leave your car unmolested for a week (though I’d avoid Cosham - it’s railway station and the large QA Hospital means there’s much more residents-parking around there). It’s also relatively flat, and there’s a cycle path from the Cosham junction of the A27 that leads around the foreshore right to the Continental ferryport.

Failing that, there are more anonymous suburbs just over the crest of Portsdown Hill in Widley, but it’s a slog of an uphill cycle when you get back.
We paid to park on someone's drive. Although it turns out you can park in the holiday inn and just give a tenner to charity.
We paid to park on someone's drive. Although it turns out you can park in the holiday inn and just give a tenner to charity.
I often see gigs in Portsmouth I'd like to go to, but the trains home don't work.

Could you send me a link for the "parking on someone's drive" thing. Does the Holiday In thing work for sleeping in a van overnight?
It's an app called just park. Pretty sure the holiday inn parking would not be happy with sleeping on vans, but I don't know for sure
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