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Pooley Bridge, Ullswater - who knows the area?

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
The Missus has booked a cottage in the vicinity of here, next week (Thurs, Fri, Sat). It looks great.

I'm panicking slightly about espresso, though. Are there any good coffee shops in the immediate area? Anywhere good for breakfast?

Or is it a trip into one of the larger villages?
<sticks hand up>
Ooh, ooh, me, I do!

It's ok, reasonably large for a Lake District village. A couple of tea shops and two or three pubs, I think. Don't know whether they'd be open for breakfast though.
As for coffee, I think you'd be at the mercy of the locals. It's therefore unpredictable.

Edit: More importantly, however, you can get up High Street from there. I'm jealous! Enjoy :)
Edit again: Ooh, make sure you go to Aira Force, too.
I'm being too choosy, aren't I? :(

OK, what about breakfast? When we were in Ambleside a couple of years ago there was a cafe attached to a B&B that did a full breakfast for all-comers. Anything like that in or near Pooley Bridge?
it was on a hillside overlooking pooley bridge one twilight that i saw a big cat. most incredible thing i've ever seen.
There may be a couple of places which open for breakfast, but Ambleside is bigger and has more tourist footfall than Pooley Bridge, so don't expect it to be quite as well provisioned.
Are you cottaging? (Fnar, etc) Edit: Ah yes, just checked your first post again and I see that you are.
If so, the best bet is to stock up en route and do your own brekkie. There's a Booths in Keswick, and another in Windermere. Best chain of supermarkets in the country, lots of local produce etc.
While you're there, I don't suppose you fancy buying me some of the goat's cheese with lavender, do you? :D I can't get it anywhere else, and it's LUSH.
So, I'm off tomorrow. Can't wait. :D

Maybe I'll be snowed in, and have to stay. Or the Virus might sweep the world, and we'll be left to survive. In the Land of No Coffee.
Had a great time. Walking in the fells. Relaxing. Enjoying the scenery. We were up on the Roam Road, and in the fells above Ullswater. It was frosty the whole time, but crisp, fresh and clear. A bit of snow fell this morning, which seemed to chase everyone off the roads.

There is a good breakfast to be had in Pooley Bridge: at a cafe called Granny Dowbekins. Very nice, very friendly. Their espresso is welcome, rather than actually good, though. The best espresso in the vicinity is to be had in a village store/cafe arrangement in the very small village of Askham. You can sip your coffee at the same counter as the newspapers and groceries are sold over. The old guy there is very friendly, too. In that same village, the Punch Bowl does good bar meals.

I'll definitely go back to the area.


The fells above Ullswater.


Splashing in the lake.


Sorrel tries to get to grips with the DVD player.
We're going back for the May weekend. Took us 5 years to get round to it, I see.

Anything new in the area since then?
...Anything new in the area since then?

Penrith now has a second escalator, and two multi-storey car parks. they do tours... the Howtown Hotel, right down the bottom of road on the east side of Ullswater, is a lovely place to go for a drink or dinner - its in about 1890.

there was still some snow on High Street and Hellvellyn when i was there on Monday. mainly cornices etc.. but it was exquisite.
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