Well-Known Member
Now that does suck. I haven't had anything decent out of an egg for a while now. And since the Fringe has finished Edinburgh seems to have turned into a bit of a drowzee/pidgey ghetto.
I think what you get out of eggs depends on what spawns near the stop you got it from, so if you keep hitting up the same stops, you'll likely keep getting the same pokemon. I know I get a lot of the same from eggs, I reckon because I have a stop outside my house, if I don't pay attention I just get all my eggs from there and keep getting the same, when I remember to make an effort and stop hitting up the stop outside my house, leaving egg slots free and collecting them in town, or at the university, I get different ones. Still get pidgeys/drowzees/rats/bats/caterpies/widgeys from 2k eggs and not many pikachus/charmander/bulbasours/geodudes but more variety at the 5k level, don't get enough 10k ones to be sure but I think from the ones at my home stop I've got 3 eevees and 2 magmars, whereas I've had more variety from other stops (pinsir, kabuto, syther; can't remember if there have been others)