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Please recommend me some European action movies


I've just watched Banlieue 13 Ultimatum, a rather enjoyable sequel to the original dystopian near future anarcho-parkour action movie.

I also like the Transporter and Taxi movies, and Doberman and the awesome Nid De Guêpes.

Can anyone suggest similarly high energy European action movies - French, German, Italian, whatever. I'm just looking for stuff I would otherwise miss. Cheers.
Which one is that French one that has what might well be the best car chase in film history? I like that one.
It's not action per se, but it's trashy enough, the French film Deja Mort is well worth a watch if you can get it. I saw it in paris and it was the film I liked the most that year (from France).
You only want modern stuff? If you want 70s stuff you might be tempted by some of the eurocrime/Poliziotteschi stuff that Italy and France were producing in that period.
You only want modern stuff? If you want 70s stuff you might be tempted by some of the eurocrime/Poliziotteschi stuff that Italy and France were producing in that period.

I've been working through some recommendations of Herman - I rather enjoyed Napoli Spara (Weapons Of Death) - but I'm particularly interested in the more modern, fast-paced stuff, which seems far superior in style and brio to anything Hollywood churns out these days.

But any specific suggestions for anything from any era and any country I will follow up on if I can :)
Cheers - I shall root these out.
Since 2000!

You'd probably enjoy the Olivier Marchal trilogy of Gangsters/
Department 36/Mr 73 - there's another decent newish French film called Gangster too.
Le convoyeur
Almost Blue
Not for or Against

This I've seen:

Department 36

Couldn't find subs for it though, so it was a bit of a bind trying to follow things with my schoolboy French. I liked the tension between the two units, it was nicely shot and acted, it just lacked a certain oomph in places. The 'tragic shootout' scene was rather silly though, in what seemed to be meant as a serious picture. The jump in time towards the end was somewhat jarring too.
Again, not really the sort of thing I'm looking for, but good call :)

I suppose what I'm most interested in are the films that are big domestically, but which for whatever reason have not got a big international profile (yet).
It's very gritty, realistic portrayal of life in the Parisien banlieu

I like La Haine, but I think the idea that it is 'grittily realistic' has been overdone - Kassovitz was not universally welcomed in Chanteloup-les-Vignes. I'm not psychic, but I suspect you're inviting butchersapron to pop a vein whilst spluttering expletives and mentioning Mike Leigh.
I've just watched Banlieue 13 Ultimatum, a rather enjoyable sequel to the original dystopian near future anarcho-parkour action movie.
I was going to say part one - you've probably already seen it - I loved it. Beautiful and fun.

Has part two come out in the cinemas, or did you see it on DVD?

Cant think of others that havnt been said...There's always Hong Kong though... I'm a big fan of Ringo Lam - check

City on Fire
Wild Search
and Full Contact

...they're all 80s and early 90s, but Ringo wrote the book on stylish action that the rest of the world followed (*slight exaggeration for effect!). Full Contact is particularly stylish


I was going to say part one - you've probably already seen it - I loved it. Beautiful and fun.

Yes - great fun - that whole opening sequence is breathtaking, and Damian's intro too. It kind of sags towards the end though (but so does the sequel).

Has part two come out in the cinemas, or did you see it on DVD?

On the internet every weekend is opening weekend ;)

I'm looking for some better subs though - it's like it's been translated into English ('translated into English' in the same sense that Monster Munch are packed full of the finest beef) by Babelfish with a bad hangover and loads of pages missing from its dictionary. And it was using a Spanish dictionary.

- again - the Leito and Damian intro scenes, a dust-up at the Ministry of Justice (or whatever it's called), and a gangs-all-united assault on a secret government building.
Romanzo Criminale

Ah yes - I missed Gomorrah when it came out, and I spotted Romanzo Criminale on the other half's father's DVD shelves whilst visiting the in-laws, looked interesting, even put a reminder about it into my phone. Didn't work, obviously :(

But now I shall definitely avail myself of them...
I've no idea if this is to be released in the UK or is subtitled with English, but if you're after some European action, should fit the bill...

And it's got Kristin Scott Thomas in it, looking "special".
There is a Danish one, came out about 1996, about a drug dealer racing around trying to get some money to pay back one of the big boys. Can't remember what it's called, I think it's part of a trilogy.
The Pusher films are great, but again, not really 'action' :D

It's called the Pusher Trilogy :) It's on torrents. I torrented it a while back and haven 't got round to watching it yet

You bad man! Watch them, they're superb, especially the first one.

I've no idea if this is to be released in the UK or is subtitled with English, but if you're after some European action, should fit the bill...

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! Running and shooting and chases and explosions and generally fucking shit up, continental style :cool: Will definitely hunt that down, thanks.
Brotherhood of The Wolf. Pre revolutionary france, kung fu werewolf movie. Awesome.
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