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Pictures and videos of people dancing

Considering humans tend to have the same simple set up of two arms and two legs its amazing to me just how endless the amount of dance moves there are...seemingly never exhaustible variety of ways of moving....always brand new dances coming along too...iv'e got a lot of respect for choreographers and modern dance type people...its a great thing to push boundaries in
Sorry not a picture but recently found this old early rave video. Extraordinary for it's quality as well people responding to the music in their own style !

The women in black is an oasis of cool in a crowd of nutters ;)

Oh, that is fucking awesome! Such innocent times ;)
Sorry to sully the thread but I actually searched for 'crazy legs wildstyle rock steady' and this was in the results. Curious I was, confused I am.
What the absolute fuck is this? :(

Sorry to sully the thread but I actually searched for 'crazy legs wildstyle rock steady' and this was in the results. Curious I was, confused I am.
What the absolute fuck is this? :(

It's a cross between breakdancing and raving, those two natural bedfellows.
It's a cross between breakdancing and raving, those two natural bedfellows.
I get that, kinda, I don't get why they don't just get on with enjoying the music and having a boogie instead of the posturing. They're all shit at it anyway :p

eta...yeah, ok, I get it now. I'm old :(
I was looking for something else, found this and thought of this thread. She's so happy singing along and dancing.

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