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Pickman's model's thread for history links

Pickman's model

Starry Wisdom
i'll start you off with this little gem i found this afternoon, the irish bureau of military history website. it seems they've digitised all the witness statements they got from participants in the '16 rising and the tan war - and there's at least one there describing irb activity in london from 1895 on. the link? http://www.bureauofmilitaryhistory.ie/

then there's goad fire insurance maps, very interesting: http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/onlineex/firemaps/fireinsurancemaps.html

1893 60" maps of london: http://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoo...FFFFFFFFFFFTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/ - online resource on the troubles in NI.

http://slavevoyages.org/tast/index.faces - the transatlantic slave trade

http://www.history.org.uk - the historical association

http://www.history.ac.uk/ - the institute of historical research

http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/past - recorded lectures on a variety of subjects including history.

http://www.ohs.org.uk/ - oral history society

http://www.cartoons.ac.uk/ - british cartoon archive

http://www.histparl.ac.uk/ - history of parliament project

http://www.liberalhistory.org.uk/ - history of the liberal party

these are subscription sites, but most libraries give access.

http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelprestype/news/newspdigproj/database/ - 19th century British newspapers


http://www.oxforddnb.com/ - oxford dictionary of national biography

http://www.jstor.org/ - subscription site, but it does offer free access to pre 1920s journals, plus a register and read service giving online access to some more of their content
The Senya Fléchine [Fleshin] Papers at The International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam are a primary source on Bolshevik persecution of the Russian anarchist movement. They also show the dynamics of the anarchist solidarity efforts with their imprisoned and exiled comrades. An incomplete set of scans from the Fleshin papers can be seen at: http://senyafleshinpapers.wordpress.com/

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