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Pick a bar/cafe/restaurant for the kabbess


First intersubjective, then internalised
The kabbess is meeting a friend for the evening who lives near Brixton. He is bloody useless at arrangements but she has no clue about places to go. So can you help her out and suggest somewhere?

She would like a place that:
  • does some good food but without being some kind of fancy restaurant. “Just nice”
  • is cosy and snug but preferably “without being romantic”(!)
  • not noisy as she has trouble with her hearing and conversation becomes impossible for her if there is a lot of background noise
  • “Good decor, interiors are important to me, you know what I like” (hint: I’m not actually that good at knowing what she likes, but it probably involves real wood and, I don’t know, cushions or something?)
Basically, probably something that meets this infamous gentrification I’ve been hearing so much about, but not wanky wine bar style.

Any ideas, denizens of Brixton?
Not noisy is a real problem. I sympathise.

On those grounds I would go for Temaki because you sit side-by-side at a counter. Food is good too.

Nanban might be OK for noise too.
The kabbess is meeting a friend for the evening who lives near Brixton. He is bloody useless at arrangements but she has no clue about places to go. So can you help her out and suggest somewhere?

She would like a place that:
  • does some good food but without being some kind of fancy restaurant. “Just nice”
  • is cosy and snug but preferably “without being romantic”(!)
  • not noisy as she has trouble with her hearing and conversation becomes impossible for her if there is a lot of background noise
  • “Good decor, interiors are important to me, you know what I like” (hint: I’m not actually that good at knowing what she likes, but it probably involves real wood and, I don’t know, cushions or something?)
Basically, probably something that meets this infamous gentrification I’ve been hearing so much about, but not wanky wine bar style.

Any ideas, denizens of Brixton?
The Lounge on Atlantic Road might fit the bill.
Outside at the Effra Social.
Or take a short bus ride to the Railway in Tulse Hill.
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