one of Maxwell's demons
It is not irrelevant abstract shit when current cosmology tells us that experiments are theoretically possible that would allow the order of time to be muddled – something that cannot happen if there is free will as existentialists would have it.All these things you talk about have no real bearing on life as we experience it and the anxiety that accompanies it. You are attacking existentialism on grounds it never seeks to contests, on a battlefield it long ago surrenderd as futile. In this I think existentialism shars much with marxism in that it seeks to bring philosophy away from irrelevant abstract shit and begin applying to lived experience.
The question of space and time is fundamental. Conventionally, it is said that the stars we see in the sky are as they were thousands, millions or billions of years ago, because the light has taken that long to get here. I think this is mistaken. It is better to talk about how the light (change) that was caused by them is hitting us now. And it is impossible, but were you to travel at the speed of light all the way to that star, you would arrive instantly – it would take no time – light does not experience time. The star, of course will look as it does now, which is something that you cannot see from Earth. From the point of view of the Earth, the person travelling at the speed of light to that star would take time to arrive at the star but then, as the person gets further away, the light reflected by him (from the point of view of the Earth) takes time to reach us. Time and motion are part of the same equation, and although it may seem counterintuitive, I think this is the right way to look at it. (In reality, anything that has mass cannot, by definition, travel as fast as light. What this means is that we massful beings are stuck with only a small window on space-time. Most of it is not accessible to us at all.)
What does this have to do with free will? I'd have to dig out the exact thought experiment that leads to a mixing up of time, because it is involved and needs diagrams. I may do so tomorrow.