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Pepper V Salt?

Salt, or pepper?

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I use too much salt at the moment.

Only this morning I listened to someone saying excess salt causes heart attacks and premature aging.

Is there anything that does not cause bad things these days?
yes - but not sprinked on my food once cooked
Same here, I never add it unless something has been seriously undersalted during cooking. I used shitloads when I'm cooking pasta though, in the blind belief that the pasta will magically absorb the right amount and no more.
My great-grandmother used her aluminium pot for almost 70 years and is now senile. :(
I knew there was some proof out there !!

Apparently it is bits of aluminium getting into you and not doing you any good.

Mind you the person who mentioned it also said that salt was public enemy no1

Who knows - and life is too short

Pepper everytime.
I don't really use salt in cooking or put any on my food with a handful exceptions like dahl, some curries, breads, boiled eggs and cheese and tomato sandwiches
chili pepper for me renders salt superfluous. although I sometimes binge on salt, presumably if Im dehydrated I use as little as possible normally
salt obvs. pepper should be used with discrimination and not willy nilly. most savoury food prepared from fresh ingredients benefits from judicious salting.
Why not both?

Technically you could. You definitely can't live without salt.
It's true. If you ever tell a mainland Chinese person to use less salt they'll tell you you don'tknow what you're talking about and how revolutionary heroes died on the long march from lack of salt.

For me, only on chips really, a minimum in cooking.
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