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Paris to Barcelona train route


I'm going to Barcelona by train in a couple of weeks. The train from Paris to Barcelona is the overnight sleeper so I won't see much out of the windows but I'd really like to know the route and what places we go through. I've looked around for a route map but I can't find anything.
Anyone know the way?
I'm going to Barcelona by train in a couple of weeks. The train from Paris to Barcelona is the overnight sleeper so I won't see much out of the windows but I'd really like to know the route and what places we go through. I've looked around for a route map but I can't find anything.
Anyone know the way?
It should be possible to find a map of the longdistance rail routes - I know there's one for the TGV and the Eurostar.
I'm going to Barcelona by train in a couple of weeks. The train from Paris to Barcelona is the overnight sleeper so I won't see much out of the windows but I'd really like to know the route and what places we go through. I've looked around for a route map but I can't find anything.
Anyone know the way?

Ta da :)


There's a map link on that page which shows it. I went to Madrid by train earlier this year and wanted to know the same thing :)
Did you go from Paris? I am so excited, I love night sleeper trains and this one is posher than the one we went to Berlin on.

Yep - the trenhotel is fucking ace :cool: If you can afford it, I'd really recommend having a meal in the restaurant car. It's properly like a posh meal in a really nice restaurant, but not ridiculously expensive. And you get to watch the world go by as you eat. We met a few really interesting people in the bar and restaurant (including an American guy having a midlife crisis who'd never been to Europe but got divorced and sold his house to go travelling :eek::D).

It is the nicest sleeper I've ever been on (the fella's done the Berlin one, but it was for work and they did 1st class for him so he said that just edged it :D). But we've done loads as we both hate planes through France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Serbia, Croatia etc etc . Tbf anything is better than sleepers through Eastern Europe where you get woken up by 3am by stroppy border guards shining a torch in your face wanting to see your passport :mad: Bulgaria totally needs to sort out it's customer service skills :D
We've already decided we are eating in the restaurant car :D
The journey out is really a part of the short holiday and I'm planning treats from as soon as we get on the first of the trains from home.
Unfortunately we can't afford the train both ways so it's a cheapo flight back at the end of it.
We've already decided we are eating in the restaurant car :D
The journey out is really a part of the short holiday and I'm planning treats from as soon as we get on the first of the trains from home.
Unfortunately we can't afford the train both ways so it's a cheapo flight back at the end of it.

It's such a massive shame that train travel is so much more expensive :( We both hate flying, so tend to do a "proper" holiday in Europe every 2-3 years cos the cost is so much more. I reckon we could have gone to New York for a week for the same price that we paid to get the train to Malaga and back for 10 days earlier this year :mad:
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