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Pandemic rail transport numbers


One on one? You're crazy.
BBC News - London Stratford emerges as UK's busiest station

Stratford was the busiest station during the 1st year of the Pandemic , which surprised me , but I guess the traditional main line stations such as Paddington & Waterloo weren't needed as much ?
BBC News - London Stratford emerges as UK's busiest station

Stratford was the busiest station during the 1st year of the Pandemic , which surprised me , but I guess the traditional main line stations such as Paddington & Waterloo weren't needed as much ?
I’d guess that the people who commute into Paddington and Waterloo are richer and have jobs where they wfh.
I’d guess that the people who commute into Paddington and Waterloo are richer and have jobs where they wfh.

That and there was no work for them to go to as everything was shut. There was these lock down things you see...

I went to a meeting at Waterloo in December last year just before Christmas. It was a strange meeting because not only was half the station shut and we were wandering around on the tracks but the half that was open had nobody there. Seeing Waterloo like a ghost town was very strange.
Waterloo is / was the busiest station on the network for years and I would say its back to about 75-80% passenger numbers pre pandemic
Big up Hackney Central , figures are probably up as you can now get to Hackney Downs Station via a long walkway .
Ah that's how CJ gets its "busiest" station tag. Good spot about Stratford, higher percentage of key/can't wfh workers I'd have thought.
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