Railway Arches 571 To 609 Facing Brixton Station Road And Atlantic Road London SW9 8JB
Approval of details pursuant to condition 5 (external construction detailing), 6 (external sample materials), 10 (hard landscaping scheme) & 12 (cycle parking) of planning permission 16/00868/FUL (Refurbishment and redevelopment of railway arches between Brixton Road and Pope's Road along Brixton Station Road and Atlantic Road. Works include change of use of 9 arches and alterations to existing units to provide a mix of A1, A3 and A4 uses within 26 units and 13 kiosks; installation of new arch infills/shopfronts; creation of a new pedestrian link between Atlantic Road and Brixton Station Road through arches 577 and 604, refurbishment of the station walkthrough and associated works) granted on 16.08.2016 P