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    Lazy Llama

Out with the Old... Network Rail tell businesses to vacate Atlantic Road arches

I can't see how all the materials requires to refurbish the Arches could be delivered without effecting the surrounding Market in Station Road and Pop Brixton plus guaranteeing the safety of the people getting on and off trains to bad from Victoria ? Am I missing something ?
Thinking about NR's original promise to find alternative ' temporary ' units for the Traders why didn't they honour it ? Wasn't it supposed to be around Valencia Place ?
I would be surprised if Lambeth approve NR's application leaving the existing Traders to work in the middle of a building site with the workmen using welding equipment possibly creating a fire risk , no more tragedies please Lambeth !
I see all the expensive aluminium ' Brixton Pillars ' ( ? ) hoardings have been removed from all the boarded up Arches in Atlantic & Station Road for the 2nd time in as many Months !!
I wonder if NR are going to start works before the CEMP is approved by Lambeth ? We're watching you
I see all the expensive aluminium ' Brixton Pillars ' ( ? ) hoardings have been removed from all the boarded up Arches in Atlantic & Station Road for the 2nd time in as many Months !!
I wonder if NR are going to start works before the CEMP is approved by Lambeth ? We're watching you

At last Brixton Neighborhood Forum was told by someone from Brixton BID that they were to be replaced with something similar.

I don't know why. Talking to traders in that stretch and they are scathing of the hoardings.
Portaloos delivered into empty Arches today so something's on the move , hope your not going to start the works NR before you get the CEMP approved ?
See the new trendy signage been erected today telling everyone how amazing NR are and all the great efforts they've made to help the returning tenants , let's see ?
I'm dizzy from all the spinning



Brixton Arches: Network Rail go on the PR offensive and revamp baffling Brixton Pillars campaign
Oh my. Straight out of the Social Greenwash Bullshit for Beginners handbook. "yeah just paint it red, gold & green, bung in a rainbow on it as well just to be sure, keep repeating the word *diversity* and it'll be fine"...

Look at all those diverse, community-minded little icon people with their hands in the air. That's what joyful social unity looks like, innit. Never mind what real actual living human beings tell you about the places they live, work and shop :facepalm:

For such an eye-bleedingly bright bit of visual design it's all still a bit transparent. You might even say insultingly transparent.
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Looking at the blurb on those new billboards I can't help wondering if some face-saving non-disclosure deal was done with some of the traders...
If it's true, I'm very happy that Cafe Max and the Moroccan guys (Cafe Brixton?) are coming back.
Who are Brixton Pilars ? Why would they use there money to make up signage to affix to Network Rail hoardings unless NR paid them and told them who's ' coming back ' and what to say , why aren't the 4 remaining Traders featured on the boards ?
Who are Brixton Pilars ? Why would they use there money to make up signage to affix to Network Rail hoardings unless NR paid them and told them who's ' coming back ' and what to say , why aren't the 4 remaining Traders featured on the boards ?
If you search on Google all the top results are from Brixton Buzz, but I dug deeper and there is a website!
It was registered in June 2017 - long after the hoardings went up - but they've hidden who has registered the site...
So they're not Brixton Bid ? They are definitely not Traders that's for sure ! It's got to be Network Rail conducting a damage limitation exercise as there name is mud in Brixton for stitching up the tenants of the Arches and creating a Ghost Town . I wonder does Mark Carne who what a balls up his Staff have made of Brixton ?
When I looked into it a little while ago, a short time on google led me to the conclusion that the "Brixton Pillars" campaign is/was run by Brixton BID.

According to the Brixton Pillars website (on the first page of google results for me), the following businesses wanted to be featured on the hoardings:
  • Beautiful Books – currently relocated at 53 Brixton Station, Rd SW9 8PD
  • S&S Textiles – 77 East Street Market, Walworth SE17
  • Station Cafe
  • Café Rio
  • Max Snack Bar
  • Fernandes – The Portuguese Deli & Butcher
  • Eckovision
  • Stella’s Exclusive Hair & Beauty Salon
  • Mr. Adamson of Cheques for Cash, formerly at No 5 Atlantic Road, will also be returning with a brand new business next year, as will the Moroccan Café.
So they're not Brixton Bid ? They are definitely not Traders that's for sure ! It's got to be Network Rail conducting a damage limitation exercise as there name is mud in Brixton for stitching up the tenants of the Arches and creating a Ghost Town . I wonder does Mark Carne who what a balls up his Staff have made of Brixton ?
They've elected to conceal the owner of the domain name, and that reason for that decision can be open to interpretation. I'm still trying to shake off my suspicions that some sort of backroom deal wasn't done here.
Well, this is really setting the spin-o-meter to critical levels.


Eckovision only opened up in late 2015, so why are they claiming to have been there for 12 years?

The bar is owned by Antic, but they make no mention of that.
One of the advertising signs promotes ' Boom juice ' a shop that closed Months ago in Station Road ! But I'm still confused Brixton Pillars ( a secret sect of BID ? ) promotes a closed down Shop but not the 4 Traders fighting the eviction , Why ?
It's been nearly a year that most of the Traders were forced into leaving and look what NR have done ? How can Lambeth Council allow them to turn a thriving area into a Ghost area right in the middle of Brixton

It's not so much the "how" - that's an established fact: By moving out viable traders.

The important question is why, and I think people need to look to the discussions around the "town plan" for central Brixton, and how the council wanted a "night-time economy" and all the venues and shops that would bring. You can't have a "party zone" when one side of the zone's perimeter is composed of practical, old-skool shops that don't sell expensive coffee and/or cocktails, or chi-chi faux-Caribbean cuisine blandified for Surrey-raised palettes.
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