Seedat has the demeanour of nerdy eagerness (from observation at previous planning committees, not last night - I wasn't there).Thanks for the reports Gramsci
Seedat has the demeanour of nerdy eagerness (from observation at previous planning committees, not last night - I wasn't there).
I sympathise with his sentiment though - Planning is a Quasi-Judicial activity. Not normal to try to intimidate planning committee members - if that was what they were doing. The planning committee is supposed to interpret the law, not deal with the politics.
Seedat also tweeted out some interesting information from the agenda. The very end of this Planning Committee addendum shows how Network Rail really are evicting the existing businesses, and only letting back those who agree to the new terms. A bit like if council tenants were evicted en mass and accepted back as "assured" tenants.
Another point I hadn't realised is that there is a proposal to open up a couple of narrow alley ways between Brixton Station Road and Atlantic Road. All very well for "circulation" as the French would say. But considering the filthy state of the existing area round the Brixton Rail Station entrances it seems they haven't got the resources to clean it as it is.
Are these alleys to be gated to prevent "antisocial behaviour" at night? Or will they be for knee-trembling and dealing? - when they are not being used as a pissoir that is?
Surprised the Police haven't had something to say about that - considering they consider the opening of Windrush Square toilets would be a licence for prostitution and drug dealing.
Here is Cllr Seedat's link. He says there is Equalities stuff in there, but I did't see that in my skim-read Tuesday 02-Aug-2016 19.00 Planning Applications Committee.pdf?T=9
Thanks for the reports Gramsci
One councillor is bleating about being disagreed with. I think when people's livelihoods are being destroyed they have a right to say "shame on you." This one is also alleging "physical attacks" - this is bollocks isn't it?
Tory Bernard Gentry, who voted for the plans, tweeted: “Something’s wrong when councillors carrying out their democratic duty require police protection at Lambeth planning meetings.”
He told the Standard: “Some council officers were very concerned for their safety, as they live in the area and were worried they’d be followed. It’s not as bad as the trouble in the 1980s, when people got into physical fights but it seems to be going that way, with the increasing levels of fear and intimidation used.”
Yep. Quite a strange condition. I'd rather there were no shutters or that they were not solid.Who cares about the street art, it's only been there for a few months.
As you say the planning committee can only make their best interpretation of current policy and apply it to the decision making process. If folk really want to stop things like NR being able to increase rent in situations like this then they need to campaign for changes to policy, national or local and planning or otherwise.I did not see any physical attacks.
Straight after the meeting ended the police came into the room. There was a police Van outside. They must have been called before the meeting ended.
There were about six of them. This didn't help to calm things down. At that point it was peaceful but angry. The Cllrs had no problems leaving the room.
The only way out of the Abeng centre is from the front.
A lot of people were staying out side of the meeting. The police formed a line to separate the public from the Cllrs leaving. They got shouted at as they left. "shame on you".
As CH1 says the planning committee is Quasi judicial. It's limited in what it can do. If it takes a decision outside the legal framework it operates in it can be subject to appeal. A lot of the issues that concerned people are not "material" planning issues.
I did try to explain this to people at the meeting. They really find it hard to understand.
Understandably a lot of people think the Council is there to defend communities. It's not how the system works. Which is the real problem here.
This leads to people getting frustrated and angry. If people don't really have a genuine voice in what happens then I think Its totally understandable that they resort to being aggressive and confrontational.
As one of the objectors said there were hundreds of objections. Overwhelming opposition to NR. But this made little difference.
Listen to this deceitful Tory cunt trying to associate last night's peaceful protest with the 80s (ergo, the riots). What proof has he that anyone would be followed? Hysterical twat.
Police raid Brixton arches meeting as councillors are glitter-bombed
I would have thought that whatever Gentry's comment - the Evening Standard headline was irresponsibly exaggerated. Police "storm" the meeting it said.What is to be expected of the Standard.
Campaigners did not force there way in after vote. Police came into meeting straight after meeting ended. Ie they were not called in.
The glitter bomb went off near me. I didn't see it go on Cllrs.
I arrived at the meeting at 7. There was a lively demo outside.
When meeting started the first item was held over for next meeting. A lot of people left who had attended for that item. Leaving a lot of seats free.
As NR application was next some one went out to get the people in the demo outside.
There was an argument about letting them in. With people already seated saying let them in. After some argument they were let in.
It was a lively meeting but no more so than some others I've been at
As for Gentry saying about 80s. People are getting shafted as much now as in 80s. So I'm not surprised that its getting like that. I don't blame people for getting really angry.
Hi. Not sure if you've heard but terrible news today. One of the traders from the arches who works from one of the stores facing eviction collapsed this morning possibly heart-attack and taken away in an ambulance. Close friends told us it's caused by the stress of devastating news received last night.
Let's all hope he has a swift recovery.
Thanks for the reports Gramsci
One councillor is bleating about being disagreed with. I think when people's livelihoods are being destroyed they have a right to say "shame on you." This one is also alleging "physical attacks" - this is bollocks isn't it?
Poor bloke. Holding a good thought for him, and the other traders from the arches too.Hi. Not sure if you've heard but terrible news today. One of the traders from the arches who works from one of the stores facing eviction collapsed this morning possibly heart-attack and taken away in an ambulance. Close friends told us it's caused by the stress of devastating news received last night.
Let's all hope he has a swift recovery.
Bless up to your friend. Best wishes to him and everyone.Hi. Not sure if you've heard but terrible news today. One of the traders from the arches who works from one of the stores facing eviction collapsed this morning possibly heart-attack and taken away in an ambulance. Close friends told us it's caused by the stress of devastating news received last night.
Let's all hope he has a swift recovery.
Good report, was the meeting live on the Internet?Here's the Buzz report.
This is a classic Progress Labour tactic: to allege abuse (where none is present) and smear opponents who disagree with them.Police arrive. Five of them.
Here's the Buzz report.
“The businesses are at the heart of what Brixton is. They have been left in a poor state of neglect by Network Rail. This is why the Council has spent time listening to the businesses. We have persuaded Network Rail to treat tenants better than they have been doing.
Evictions will not occur until temporary trading locations are in place. There will be resentment if the artwork on the shutters is destroyed.”
Here's the Buzz report.
Legal advice was then provided to the Committee by Council Officers. The members were reminded of the three legal requirements that needed to be considered in relation to this application:
(i) Eliminate discrimination,
(ii) advance equality of opportunity between people who share protected characteristics, and those who don’t, and
(iii) the fostering of good relations.
This was a very… sensitive planning application.
This is a classic Progress Labour tactic: to allege abuse (where none is present) and smear opponents who disagree with them.
For example see the various Labour party threads in the politics forum etc.