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Olympics 'dominated by privately educated'

Cav started on a BMX at his local bike club.

I think the most important factor are clubs and societies, not kit.
Indeed, a collective commitment to the club and its members can overcome all sorts of individual problems - it still means that richer clubs can overcome more and offer more opps to those who wouldn't have a go otherwise though.
Have you ever noticed what a horrible conservative you've become?


Based on what? Are you for the Olympics now?

Based on what? Are you for the Olympics now?
What on earth do you mean by 'now'? Yes i'm for the collective olympic adventure, no i'm not for it on the organisational basis it's currently happening on.

Based on your recent series of sneering posts about everyone but you being thick and shit.
Indeed, a collective commitment to the club and its members can overcome all sorts of individual problems - it still means that richer clubs can overcome more and offer more opps to those who wouldn't have a go otherwise though.

Yupisssimo! Things like the Olympics are great. The culmination of years of struggle for workers, and internet forum posters as well
Indeed, a collective commitment to the club and its members can overcome all sorts of individual problems - it still means that richer clubs can overcome more and offer more opps to those who wouldn't have a go otherwise though.

Agreed - but in my admittedly limited experience the more affluent clubs can offer greater exposure to competition, better coaching and (occasionally, but not always) more extended access to facilities and therefore greater sporting development (edit- as in individual performance improvement), but in terms of participation per se I think money doesn't come into as significantly. Within bounds, of course - obtaining and maintaining a load of horses or race cars is not going to be cheap and access becomes difficult.

Leading on (And diverging, I'm afraid), I've always been a bit uneasy with the view that a nation 'fails' at sport if its elite participants aren't competitive - the RFU in particular get it in the neck for not dominating rugby given the huge player base in England, but in my view they're doing a superb job of making the local amateur game so engaged.

The Lawn Tennis Association are pretty woeful on both counts though. Exclusive and shit. Henman is the one exception at elite level - Murray had the sense to look abroad for his development.
I'm old enough to remember the Soviet Union and its allies dominating the medals tables. Are they all getting a Marxist education down at Harrow?

Or is it a simple matter of access to quality facilities and being able to afford to spend the hours needed for training.
I'm old enough to remember the Soviet Union and its allies dominating the medals tables. Are they all getting a Marxist education down at Harrow?

Or is it a simple matter of access to quality facilities and being able to afford to spend the hours needed for training.

Time and access to coaching are the two key elements, preferably in conjunction - 'practice makes perfect' isn't quite true, 'coaching makes perfect, practice makes permanent' is perhaps more apt.

Neither of these necessarily require money, but money sure will help with quality and duration of coaching.
Leading on (And diverging, I'm afraid), I've always been a bit uneasy with the view that a nation 'fails' at sport if its elite participants aren't competitive - the RFU in particular get it in the neck for not dominating rugby given the huge player base in England, but in my view they're doing a superb job of making the local amateur game so engaged.

I've always thought a better way of judging success to be the number of regular participants. Obviously medal winners play a role in that, mind.
I've always thought a better way of judging success to be the number of regular participants. Obviously medal winners play a role in that, mind.
Yep, and that's intimately connected with how many golds/championships etc you produce. I want to say dialectics.
There's also a shit load of fat kids these days. I blame them too for the current situation.
One of the reasons that they don't let poor kids learn pole vaulting is that they will be able to easily escape from prison after they are caught stealing tellies
Isn't the ratio about 50 - 50 at the moment between medals for toffs and chavs? ( according to channel four news)
Isn't the ratio about 50 - 50 at the moment between medals for toffs and chavs? ( according to channel four news)
If it is, then that's 7x over-representation by private school kids.

Iirc, Oxbridge - those bastions of equality - are a mere 40-50% private.
Take rowing. you just need to join a club and pay a nominal yearly fee. One of my cousins does it on the Tweed, he works on the fishing boats as a fitter. He's about as posh as Trigger.

Same with horses. Horrible creatures that cost a fortune to buy, keep and then you need land for them. Or alternatively you could join a club.

Don't think its really as simple as money but what you peers, environment you live, parents, time for recreational shizzle, the p.e teacher you had at school and of course the individuals personality.
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