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Olympic Scandals - list them here

From the same article

Got a link for the article?

So, the FIG can and does take action on athletes and countries found not to be complying with its regulations. If the Chinese are found to be guilty of falsifying birth certificates *this time* then going on precedent, their gymnastics team will miss out on London 2012.



How can you possibly be this naive? How old are you?

If Beijing presents birth certificates to the IOC, which authority would be only legitimate authority to which the IOC could refer to, in order to verify their authenticity?




Do you have any clue at all as to how things "work" in China?


But anyway, you're ignoring the content of my posts, so it seems that you don't want to engage, merely gloss things over.


Jessiedog said:
There's an official Chinese document giving her date of birth as 01/01/94 - so she's 14 years old.

There was also an official document showing that two other gymnasts were 14 - they have now vanished.

I don't doubt that the remaning document will disappear too.

At the end of the day, I really don't believe that anything will be done. China, obviously, insists that they are all 16 and will produce any kind of (newly made,) documents in order to "prove" this.

The IOC certainly won't be pushing too hard - if they were underage, they would have to strip them of, not only their individual medals, but also the team medals - it would be the most severe of embarrassments for China since it will show they cheated.

The IOC has colluded with China from day one to help the leaders in Beijing to increase the degree of suppression of the already limited freedoms of the media, journalists and the people of the PRC - the IOC is bereft of any morals, it's a money making organisation and is thoroughly corrupt.

The last thing the IOC want is to embarrass China.

It's very unlikely to happen.

There's NO WAY that China could be prevented from competing in 2012. Surely you can see that it would be a political impossiblity?


Melinda said:
How about we wait for the result of the investigation before we start the incessant hectoring and carping?

Are you really reading the thread in any way?


Jessiedog said:
She's admitted she was 14 in year 2000. The rules are that she needs to be 16 (rules brought in in 1997). Ergo, China broke the rules - China cheated.

If she'd later tested positive for drugs - even years later, her medal would be taken away since it's cheating. She was ineligable to compete in the 2,000 games, so her medal should be taken away.

You do understand that we're talking about Yang Yun here, don't you?

Even China's own Yang Yun, a double bronze medalist in Sydney, said during an interview aired on state broadcaster China Central Television that she was 14 during the 2000 Games.

Why avoid a simple question?

Do you think the medal should be rescinded?

I think it's plain and simple that it should, but it won't be, since - as you rightly point out - that may risk China's participation in 2012. And that would be inconceivable!

Open your eyes and realise the influence of money, politics and corruption being brought to bear here.

You know what, I'd never realised money, politics and corruption were a part of big time international sport until the last couple of days

Good Lord Jessiedog, vociferously and labouriously hectoring people, and writing 2 foot long posts probably *isnt* the best way of convincing folk of your argument.
"We believe the matter will be put to rest and there's no question ... on the eligibility," IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies said.
"The information we have received seems satisfactory in terms of the correct documentation -- including birth certificates."

It was Rogge who admitted that the IOC had done a backroom deal with China over the suppression of the internet, journalists, the media, protest, etc. a long time ago, while at the same time - and afterwards the IOC and everyone involved kept espousing the lie that China had agreed to fulfill its promises. Promises that needed to be fulfilled and were the major reason espoused for awarding China the games.

Every single one of these promises has been broken - with the collusion of the IOC!

The crackdown, screwdown and lockdown in China in the 12 months run-up-to, and during, the olympic games, has been perpetrated with increasing intensity and is probably the most insidious, pervasive and successful campaign since that following the 1989 Tiananmen massacre.

The Falun Gong were taken out inside of 6 months, but the current suppression is financed by and unlimited trillion US dollar budget, some of the best technology available and a commitment and efficiency that, for me, is terryfying

And that FUCKING SNAKE Giselle Davies, was the cunt that refused to answer the question repeatedly put to her, not just by one journalist, but by several in succession....

"Is the IOC at all embarrassed by China's obvious renaging on all the promises it made on press freedom, protest, internet access, etc. - that were a condition of it receiving the games?"

She simply refused to answer, the cunt.


Good Lord Jessiedog, vociferously and labouriously hectoring people, and writing 2 foot long posts probably *isnt* the best way of convincing folk of your argument.

So you refuse to say whether you agree that a medal should be withrawn from a winner that was ineligible to compete?




*looks at thread title*

Oh yes, so it is. Sorry, I thought it was the 'batter people over the head with stuff they already know about in a hectoring fashion which implies they're all idiots' thread.

My apologies

*looks at thread title*

Oh yes, so it is. Sorry, I thought it was the 'batter people over the head with stuff they already know about in a hectoring fashion which implies they're all idiots' thread.

My apologies


Do you think that Yang Yun's medals should be revoked, given that she was ineligible to compete at Sydney 2000?

Why, will it make a difference to the world?

So you refuse to say whether you agree that a medal should be withrawn from a winner that was ineligible to compete?




I believe Ive answered that question above, Im happy to wait for the outcome of the investigation.

You clearly have genuine ideological objections to the Olympics in general and to them being held in China in particular.
Ive not seen you post one positive thing about any athlete, perfomance or anything at all. Maybe I missed it if you have, because I have been avoiding threads where you have been at your most disruptive.

Whatever numerous objections you have to the Olympics, irrespective of whether I agree with you or not, your style of posting- the continual repetition, the strident language and above all the insane disruptive hectoring - makes me not want to read your posts.
I'll engage with anybody that doesn't hector and patronise me with concepts I've been fully aware of, and agreed with, for years.

Seriously, you're giving the impression you think we're all naive innocents, which is a real turn off for debate. I'm not naive, I just believe in the benefit of the doubt.

Toowit toowoo
I believe Ive answered that question above, Im happy to wait for the outcome of the investigation.

No, you've refused to engage.

She has admitted that she was fourteen.

You clearly have genuine ideological objections to the Olympics in general and to them being held in China in particular.

And you can't see why?

Ive not seen you post one positive thing about any athlete, perfomance or anything at all. Maybe I missed it if you have, because I have been avoiding threads where you have been at your most disruptive.

I'm sure the athletes train hard - I couldn't do it.


Whatever numerous objections you have to the Olympics, irrespective of whether I agree with you or not, your style of posting- the continual repetition, the strident language and above all the insane disruptive hectoring - makes me not want to read your posts.

So you don't read my posts and you don't engage.

The thing is, that the real scandal about the olympics in China is exactly this level of disengagement by ordinary people around the globe, this suspension of disbelief.

The willingness to subscribe to the idea that a corrupt, money grubbing, corporate-sponsored, drug-addled athletic event that deliberately aids and abets the suppression of millions of poor people, should be supported because it involves maybe 12,000 athletes who have worked hard.

The awarding of the games and the cheerleading thereof is, at best, an aquiescence towards the CCP in it's increasing suppression of freedoms in China and, worse, has given it a green light to continue with impunity.

And once the games are over, Melinda and yours and everyone elses attention has re-focussed on the next jamboree and you've all gone back to the rest of your lives .....

..... the MILLIONS of people dispossed of their homes with inadequate (say 10% of value) or NO compensation and the hundreds, maybe thousands rounded up before the games and gaoled by the police for three years - no court, no judge, no process, no nothing - for being SUSPECTED of, ummmmmm, well thinking or writing something and few if any of them advocating anything more than a bit more fairness and openness won't be going back to their normal lives.

And this was all done in the name of the olympics, specifically in order to "showcase" China's supposed maturity and the CCP's willingness to embrace a new era of freedoms in China.

IMO, the hypocrisy on the part of anyone that purports to support the basic freedoms that most of us take for granted and is then involved in any way with cheering-on of this event, or those directly involved, is breathtaking.

I find it distasteful in the extreme that people are prepared to place the harsh subjugation of the freedoms of the people of China in secondary consideration to the glorification of a few thousand, hard working, athletes - and that's exactly what is happenning in reality.

On the ground, in reality, these games are responsible for creating a travesty of justice on an immense scale.

And no athletics contest can justify that.


I'll engage with anybody that doesn't hector and patronise me with concepts I've been fully aware of, and agreed with, for years.

Seriously, you're giving the impression you think we're all naive innocents, which is a real turn off for debate. I'm not naive, I just believe in the benefit of the doubt.

Toowit toowoo

So you don't want to answer a simple question?


Disengage then.


Interesting read from the man behind BALCO. He said something about this before, and especially him informing US testers to do tests during the off-season. They chose not to.


It was an interesting article until it started trying to implicate Bolt. The accusation is that he was using steroids and extra strength-training in order to build huge muscles is a little laughable, no? The lad does not look like a body-builder - sprinters who cheat do.

I think it's very likely that some of the Jamaican athletes are not clean. They're not difficult to spot. But there are other reasons for Jamaica's success and it's wrong to belittle their achievement by smearing them all with drug accusations.

Six reasons why Jamaica is running away with the golds in Beijing

Gotta go.

It's 4:00am and there seems to be an unexpected knock on my door - some people outside.



Ah go on now Jessie - you were going to stop and tell us about this new wonder drug that doesn't build muscle but does make you run really really fast. Is he drinking rocket fuel and then lighting one ginormous fart at the start? How could we have missed it?
It was an interesting article until it started trying to implicate Bolt. The accusation is that he was using steroids and extra strength-training in order to build huge muscles is a little laughable, no? The lad does not look like a body-builder - sprinters who cheat do.

I think it's very likely that some of the Jamaican athletes are not clean. They're not difficult to spot. But there are other reasons for Jamaica's success and it's wrong to belittle their achievement by smearing them all with drug accusations.

Six reasons why Jamaica is running away with the golds in Beijing
Good article ymu, thanks for the link. There wasnt much new in it, but it does say a lot of what many of us in the Olympic forum have been saying for days now about the Jamaican sprinting tradition.

The article doesnt mention that until now the IAAF have been conducting the off season doping tests in Jamaica, albeit in a seemingly haphazard way.

TBF the reason some people are carping is being they are jealous of the success- the BALCO debacle has so tainted US athletics that they would love to be able to put the stink on some other nation.
Good article ymu, thanks for the link. There wasnt much new in it, but it does say a lot of what many of us in the Olympic forum have been saying for days now about the Jamaican sprinting tradition.

The article doesnt mention that until now the IAAF have been conducting the off season doping tests in Jamaica, albeit in a seemingly haphazard way.

TBF the reason some people are carping is being they are jealous of the success- the BALCO debacle has so tainted US athletics that they would love to be able to put the stink on some other nation.

Oi, answer my question woman :mad:
About the rhythmic Gymnastics? :)

Answered on the photography thread- Ive literally been around the world looking for you mate- not found it yet. I will keep looking :)

Can't view them on NBC as wrong operating system, can't view them on something else for some other reason.

*toodles off to photography thread*
And some murmerings from the Beeb about generally scandalous judging. It has certainly also affected the diving, boxing and gymnastics that I've seen.
Presumably the judges are international, no?

Was it a chinese combatant she lost out to? The last one I saw the commentators complaining about was a Brit losing out to a Chinese something or other. I forget which sport.
Presumably the judges are international, no?

Was it a chinese combatant she lost out to? The last one I saw the commentators complaining about was a Brit losing out to a Chinese something or other. I forget which sport.

Yes i belive they are international and yes Stevenson lost to a Chinese competitor (the world champion in fact, but she should not have been awarded that fight imo). Not that i'm an expert like :D

Commentators were speculating that 2 of the judges, who sit at each corner of the square, would have seen the kick land on her head but the view of the other two was likely to have been obscured by the competitors. I dunno, just seems very unfair, Stevenson nearly took her head off :eek:
Yeah, Chinese. She got in a head shot which is worth two points and would have won her the fight but it wasn't registered (I think it has to be registered by three of the four judges). There was a big discussion with the ref before he awarded the fight to the Chinese lass.
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