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Old matches available in full

It wasn't quite so jaw-dropping the second time around, but it was still mesmerising, the combination of Brazil spontaneously combusting in front of their own fans, and Germany dissecting every part of their game.
1966 World Cup final on C4, will be the first time I have seen full game since then. Watched a few documentaries with highlights.
I hope my memory doesn’t spoil it for me.

I'm sure I've seen it at least twice. Once was just before Euro '96, when they repeated it, and it was my first experience of old football in full. It's also the only match I've seen featuring Banks, Moore, Charlton and Beckenbauer.

Wales looked pretty tight against a poor Slovakia today. Gunter and Taylor ran riot down the wings.
I'm sure I've seen it at least twice. Once was just before Euro '96, when they repeated it, and it was my first experience of old football in full. It's also the only match I've seen featuring Banks, Moore, Charlton and Beckenbauer.

I saw it when they did the re-show in 1996, the stand out performer for me was Alan Ball who I was too young to have got to know as a player (first started going to games in 1976, but lower divisions)
I saw it when they did the re-show in 1996, the stand out performer for me was Alan Ball who I was too young to have got to know as a player (first started going to games in 1976, but lower divisions)
Not just to you; the WC final of 1966 was one of those rare occasions where the scorer of a hat trick didn't get the Man of the Match award - Ball did.
Not just to you; the WC final of 1966 was one of those rare occasions where the scorer of a hat trick didn't get the Man of the Match award - Ball did.

Thanks I didn't know that. If you look at that last Hurst goal, the famous one, you can see Ball sprinting into the edge of picture from midfield. The story that Hurst says is that he was just lamping it as hard as he could in order to kill a few more minutes by knocking it into the crowd (the days of only one match ball!) but miraculously it flew into the net. Dunno how true that is but if he'd looked over and squared it Ball was unmarked on the edge of the box with just the keeper to beat. Pretty amazing stamina in the last minute of extra time at the old Wembley. It seemed like he was everywhere during that game.
Thanks I didn't know that. If you look at that last Hurst goal, the famous one, you can see Ball sprinting into the edge of picture from midfield. The story that Hurst says is that he was just lamping it as hard as he could in order to kill a few more minutes by knocking it into the crowd (the days of only one match ball!) but miraculously it flew into the net. Dunno how true that is but if he'd looked over and squared it Ball was unmarked on the edge of the box with just the keeper to beat. Pretty amazing stamina in the last minute of extra time at the old Wembley. It seemed like he was everywhere during that game.
I've read a couple of books on it and not only was Ball providing support for Hurst he was screaming for the ball, and I'm sure I've seen a video of Geoff Hurst doing an impression of Ball shouting in that high pitched voice "Hursty! Hursty!"
So that's who Ken Wolstenholme is referring to when he says, "Here comes Hurst. He's got...". I'd always assumed it was Peters or Hunt, as fellow attackers.
I like the anecdotes better than the top tens, which usually don't bother with surprises.

It's an inevitability with any list show that you'll disagree with some of it. That's part of how they draw in people.

Lineker admitting to shitting himself on the field was classic.
How much longer can I legitimately moan that "people act like there was no football before the Premiership era"?
It wasn't a great game to be honest. The most interesting thing was how much England have turned over players in just four years. Hart, Smalling, Cahill, Lallana and Sturridge were all starters, or very close, and Sterling was criticised for not being clinical.
England v Croatia in 2004 today was very enjoyable. 1966 aside that year's England time is my favourite of all time - such a team of superstars.
I saw it when they did the re-show in 1996, the stand out performer for me was Alan Ball who I was too young to have got to know as a player (first started going to games in 1976, but lower divisions)
I was 13 at the time and I still remember (nearly) all the players: Banks, Cohen, Wilson, Stiles, Charlton, Moore, Hunt, Ball, Charlton, Hurst and who the fuck was the last one?

Eta: Peters, Martin Peters :thumbs:

I loved Bobby Charlton, proper gentleman player. All the time he played he was only booked once, for asking the ref repeatedly but politely to move the wall back to 10 yards for a free kick (it wasn't 10 yards the tosser of a ref). Saw him a few times, whenever he crossed the half way line with the ball there'd be rising shouts from the crowd 'Shoot'. He was something else - days of caseball which weighed a fucking ton when it was raining and the laces scarred your forehead if you headed it.

The other game I really remember was North Korea v Portugal. Jaw just dropped as North Korea went 1-0, 2-0 then 3-0 up. Eusebio scored 4 and Portugal won 5-3. Eusebio was also lovely graceful player to watch.
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Has anyone been watching or listening to Lineker, Wright and Shearer do their top tens? They've been quite interesting, especially the anecdotes they have from their playing days. The visual versions disappear quite quickly from the iplayer, but they all appear to still be on Sounds.
Yes I've watched a couple, too. I normally can't watch people talking about football or any sport really for that matter but they're very entertaining. Gazza pissing on the coals with Lineker in the sauna and holding the door closed :eek:
England v Croatia in 2004 today was very enjoyable. 1966 aside that year's England time is my favourite of all time - such a team of superstars.

England were so fucked up in that tournament! Bloody Michael Owen - the most over-rated England player ever? - could barely touch the ball without giving it away, yet every game there he was "first name on the team sheet", jesus why? Even Eriksson started subbing him off on the hour he was so bad - but this was literally using him the wrong way round - he was someone you bring on when you need to scramble a goal, not someone you start with.

Plus it was the tournament that saw the debuts of Terry and Lampard, both ok players of course but again over-rated and in Terry's case just TOO SLOW dammit! - Yes you could get away with him at international level but you have to cover his lack of pace - either by having 5 at the back a la 1990, with Terry playing the Mark Wright role, or by having a covering central midfielder who was basically sweeping in front of defence (how Mourinho made Terry look good at Chelsea). But you just cannot play Terry as CD in a flat back four without covering his lack of speed, England just kept doing it and wondering why he got lost in space.

And Lampard vs Gerrard for me was always going to be Gerrard but instead he was stuck out of position in order to accommodate Lampard, bizarre. No wonder Scholes retired from England straight after 2004, no way was he going to be asked to pick up pieces that Lampard dropped and I can't blame him.

end rant.

for now.
England were so fucked up in that tournament! Bloody Michael Owen - the most over-rated England player ever? - could barely touch the ball without giving it away, yet every game there he was "first name on the team sheet", jesus why? Even Eriksson started subbing him off on the hour he was so bad - but this was literally using him the wrong way round - he was someone you bring on when you need to scramble a goal, not someone you start with.

Plus it was the tournament that saw the debuts of Terry and Lampard, both ok players of course but again over-rated and in Terry's case just TOO SLOW dammit! - Yes you could get away with him at international level but you have to cover his lack of pace - either by having 5 at the back a la 1990, with Terry playing the Mark Wright role, or by having a covering central midfielder who was basically sweeping in front of defence (how Mourinho made Terry look good at Chelsea). But you just cannot play Terry as CD in a flat back four without covering his lack of speed, England just kept doing it and wondering why he got lost in space.

And Lampard vs Gerrard for me was always going to be Gerrard but instead he was stuck out of position in order to accommodate Lampard, bizarre. No wonder Scholes retired from England straight after 2004, no way was he going to be asked to pick up pieces that Lampard dropped and I can't blame him.

end rant.

for now.

I'm not sure Terry would've got a game had Ferdinand not gone shopping. A pairing of Campbell and King would've solved your pace problem.

I always thought that England might've been better off dropping Lampard and Gerrard, and trying Hargreaves as the enforcer and Carrick as the conductor. They'd have been similar to, if not quite as good as the Gattuso-Pirlo pivot that won the WC two years later.
I'm not sure Terry would've got a game had Ferdinand not gone shopping. A pairing of Campbell and King would've solved your pace problem.

Oh no question about it, Terry was never at the same level as Ferdinand. Yes I would have just dropped Terry personally and Campbell at his best or King were both better players imo. It's just that if youre going with Terry you have to cover his obvious slowness. Some players are worth their defects - Beckham was too slow to be top class in some ways but he just had so many other things going for him. Terry was a great full-on scrapper for the loose ball, both in the air and on the ground and he had a really excellent long pass out of defence but he had to part of a central 3, in a flat 4 he was a disaster waiting to happen - as other teams and managers spotted - 2010 still makes me wince.
Oh no question about it, Terry was never at the same level as Ferdinand. Yes I would have just dropped Terry personally and Campbell at his best or King were both better players imo. It's just that if youre going with Terry you have to cover his obvious slowness. Some players are worth their defects - Beckham was too slow to be top class in some ways but he just had so many other things going for him. Terry was a great full-on scrapper for the loose ball, both in the air and on the ground and he had a really excellent long pass out of defence but he had to part of a central 3, in a flat 4 he was a disaster waiting to happen - as other teams and managers spotted - 2010 still makes me wince.

Mourinho v1 played him in a back four at Chelsea, didn't he, alongside Carvalho? I forget the full backs, but I suppose they had Makelele in front of them.

Watching some of the old games reminded that Beckham was quite limited beyond his obvious abilities, and his seemingly compulsory starting place over about ten years in turn limited England.
Mourinho v1 played him in a back four at Chelsea, didn't he, alongside Carvalho? I forget the full backs, but I suppose they had Makelele in front of them.

Watching some of the old games reminded that Beckham was quite limited beyond his obvious abilities, and his seemingly compulsory starting place over about ten years in turn limited England.

Carvalho was super quick (and under-rated), Makelele was effectively a sweeper, but so good he could play in front of the CDs. They also had Cech in goal who was basically the best GK in the EPL for years. I'm really not trying to diss Terry totally, he had real qualities but as a linchpin in a flat back 4 absolutely not.

Watching some of the old games reminded that Beckham was quite limited beyond his obvious abilities, and his seemingly compulsory starting place over about ten years in turn limited England.

Yes and no... he had such amazing qualities - the free kick that could win a game, that strange presence - what the maori word 'mana', the all-blacks use it a lot, it means a player who makes other players bigger somehow ...I dunno, I used to argue for and against him. I really wanted to see him tried out in more positions but I'm someone who always favours pace on the wings, I want my wingers as quick as can be. You can imagine what I thought of Beckham and Cole (Joe) :facepalm::facepalm: in the world cup in 2006. God you can get away with one slowcoach out wide no way can you get away with 2.
Yes and no... he had such amazing qualities - the free kick that could win a game, that strange presence - what the maori word 'mana', the all-blacks use it a lot, it means a player who makes other players bigger somehow ...I dunno, I used to argue for and against him. I really wanted to see him tried out in more positions but I'm someone who always favours pace on the wings, I want my wingers as quick as can be. You can imagine what I thought of Beckham and Cole (Joe) :facepalm::facepalm: in the world cup in 2006. God you can get away with one slowcoach out wide no way can you get away with 2.

Who did England have at that point who would properly beat their man and get to the byline? Shaun Wright-Phillips and Stewart Downing are the ones who spring to mind, the latter of whom arguably didn't get a fair hearing because of his club.

Unless Sven had played wing-backs, which Neville and Cole could've done. Then stick Ferdinand between Campbell and Terry/King/Carragher, and Beckham as one of the three midfielders. If one of the other three was a Hargreaves, Carrick or, at a push, King, there'd have been more cover for Beckham's pace and Gerrard/Lampard/Scholes' forward runs.
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