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Old matches available in full


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know a good source to watch old matches in full? I know of a couple of cycling sites which keep old races for streaming, so I was wondering if there was anything similar for football. Are there torrents available?

As there's going to be no football, or any other sport for a while, it'd be good to go down memory lane.
I tried doing a search on the England-Netherlands game from 1996 on Pirate Bay, but found nothing. I'm sure clubs and the FA cash in on DVDs of this, so someone must've stuck them on P2P somewhere.
Here both Barça and Real Madrid have free to air channels. They have old games and sometimes even films, as well as soccer news. Is there nothing similar in the uk?
Yes, that's the one I want as well. I've seen the Scotland and Germany matches more recently, but the Dutch match is the best I've ever seen England play.
I remember watching England Holland at a friend's house and as I'd been drinking heavily even before the match I ended up having a number of wees during the second half. Each time I stood there, weeing, just shaking my head and giggling at how well we were playing. Didn't miss any goals either
Try footballia
Also the FA site had a recent cup final
The Arsenal site had the game against Spurs on a few days ago
I have registered now, and tomorrow I'm going to make my debut. I'm thinking the Dutch team of 1988 at the Euros, as I only really remember Chelsea-era Gullit, and virtually nothing of Rijkaard, van Basten and Koeman.
I've found this: Footballia: Full online historic football matches

Is it worth signing up for? It's free as far as I can see.

This is fucking awesome. I watched England-Netherlands from Euro'88 last night, and really enjoyed it. The first half was especially good, with England's best players being those who I knew of and remember the tail-ends of their careers, but not their prime, in Mark Wright and Trevor Steven.

Gullit and van Basten ripped them apart in the second half though.
If anyone's interested, on the iplayer are Lineker, Wright and Shearer choosing their top ten domestic keepers since football was invented, 28 years ago. There was no surprise who got top spot.

I believe they'll be doing the same for defenders, midfielders and strikers, although they may change the pundit line-up for the latter, for obvious reasons.
Brazil Holland, World Cup quarter final, 1994. 0-0 half-time, ended up 3-2. Video starts during half time, just before goal of the tournament. Both this competition and second half notable for astonishing goals from Romario.

I think the Beeb might have England-West Germany 1990 again on the red button on Saturday. The TV guide on my telly was a bit ambiguous.
scratch that, quality is shite.

I'll post this one instead (not the full game but a classic, 74' fa cup semi final)

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Brazil Holland, World Cup quarter final, 1994. 0-0 half-time, ended up 3-2. Video starts during half time, just before goal of the tournament. Both this competition and second half notable for astonishing goals from Romario.

Strange with all of these seeing them pass back to the keeper who picks it up.

Good rule change though.
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