I think the more aware we as a species have become about the true scale of the world and its problems, and our utter lack of control over so many aspects of our lives, the more we have begun to noodle around with food obsessions as one of the few things we can actually micro-manage. It's like an iceburg to cling to in the choppy seas of 21st century end times.
My experience is that eating via any kind of externally applied rule can trigger a control relationship with food that could quite easily develop into a disorder. I've been veggie, Omni, paleo, don't give a shiteo, all manner of rules applied and sometimes none but my own sensual whims. On each occasion I ate with rules, of any sort, the time spent thinking about, preparing, choosing and learning about the food and its rules was in retrospect a door ajar, leading to a bad place. It was the first stages of becoming unhealthily purist, of affixing my ego to my diet and the success with which I believed I could control it. And then be thin/better/happier/immortal/insert goal here.
The health aspects of what we eat is one dimension fraught with the potential to cause neurosis, then there's the political aspect of food production and capitalisation, the moral dimension of animal cruelty and environmental degradation, and the social and power aspects, of who cooks and who eats and who pays, who serves and who is served, what you eat with whom, and when, who sits at the head of the table, who gets the crispy bits off the roast...
Each if these aspects of food has been fractured into millions of Internet pages of advice, instruction, rule-following and "belief", and it's here that we can choose our church and nutriwank ourselves silly.
I still live by rules; I don't buy freight fruit from abroad, I don't buy Nestlé, I don't eat veal or fois gras, I don't eat shop-bought sushi, I do eat kimchi and live yoghurt, I don't eat Hershey chocolate, I do drink milk, I don't eat soya. They are almost endless these rules. And based on belief. Faith. Credence. Tradition. Tribalism. Politics. Existential uncertainty. And a rumbling belly.
Its hugely complex and obviously a preoccupation for all humans. But eating, breathing and shitting are the three signs of life (according to me!
) and most of us spend a mere fraction of the time we worry about food, on worrying about where we as a species are shitting, or the air we have to breath. Which is weird because arguably our mistakes over where we shit and what what we breathe will be what kills us in the end, rather than the kind of quinoa we're using. To be fair, it is all connected anyway.
I think it's the nature of delivery that starts the issues; food gets from
my hand to
my mouth with
my money. I can't help the polar ice caps, or stop Trump's heart with a hard stare, would that I fucking could. But if we think we can control it, we will always fucking try. And with food we think we can, and so we do. And as Dat Buddha never said, isn't THAT just the genesis of all misery! ?