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Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany - pics and chat


Visited Nuremberg last week and rather liked the place. Anyone been?

Here's my first set of pics (more to follow):





Night rain in Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany in photos, autumn 2019
yes - great town. Especially if you're into certain history.

I think I managed to do Leipzig and Dresden in the same trip - found Leipzig slighty 'twee' but liked Dresden as a place.

The Berchtesgaden is also good to visit.
N/berg has an excellent railway museum , only managed to do the internal section , but was mightily impressed - especially the 2 sections on the postwar history of the 2 railways - DB and DR.

We went for the Xmas market , which was also very good indeed. We ate well.
editor - what camera did you use to take those pictures? Don't tell me it was that super low light phone camera doo! dah! was it? :eek:
One of my favourite places. I rolled in on my motorcycle to the campsite, and found I was on the former nazi parade ground, amazing history. My fav pic is of a Spier designed power station. Now a Burger King. Will see if I can upload it.
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