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No to "Team GB" at the Olympics 2012


Active Member

The Association of Tartan Army clubs (ATAC - Scotland)
Football Supporters Federation (FSF - England)
Football Supporters Federation Cymru (FSF - Wales) and
Amalgamation of Official NI Fans Clubs (AONISC - Northern Ireland)


The No Team GB campaign today accused Lord Moynihan (former Olympic
Cox) and Lord Coe of sticking their head in the sand and ploughing
ahead with
their pipedream of a Team GB football team at the 2012 Olympic Games.

Spokesman Tam Ferry said;
'The fans of the 4 home nations international teams are sick and
tired of the constant stream of fantasy stories coming out in the
press from Lord Moynihan and Lord Coe regarding a Team GB football
team for the 2012 Olympics.
The quicker they get their heads out the sand and accept that from a
football point of view there is no such thing as a Team GB the better.
The BOA may well enter a Football Team into the 2012 Olympics and
they even try to call it a Team GB Football team, but its simply a
Team GB football team.
It will be an England U23 team playing under the banner of Team GB
and without the blessing of the England Fans.
Football Fans of all the home nations are united against Team GB
football team as it risks the future independence of the 4 home
nations teams.
FIFA supremo Sepp Blatter stated in March that entering a Team GB
football team will "....put into question all the privileges that the
British associations"
Our football teams have a long and proud national identity and Lord
Moynihan is showing his true colours today stating its only about
winning medals at any cost.
Its a cost the Scottish FA, Irish FA and Welsh FA are not prepared to
pay and the fans are right behind them in their united stance against
this political bullying.

Scotland play Northern Ireland next month at Hampden Park and there
will be a No Team GB Party before the game with both sets of fans,
and there will be NoTeamGB.com banners at the match'
Quite right too, well done to the other FAs for standing against this nonsense.

it's not even a very important tournament.
So your complaint is based simply around nationalism of wales, ireland and scotland :confused:

But they are all individual countries. They're not regions, they are countries.
Do the netherlands, belgium and luxemburg put forward a benelux team?? I'd guess No!!(hopes she's right coz knows very little about footie)
So your complaint is based simply around nationalism of wales, ireland and scotland :confused:

it's based around wanting to retain the national teams we've had for almost 150 years rather than being forced to play as GB&NI for the sake of a mickey mouse tournament.
Sorry I was expecting something a little more...say a complaint about gentrification, waste of tax payers money etc...as you were.
So your complaint is based simply around nationalism of wales, ireland and scotland :confused:

I won't deny that Welsh natioanlism plays a part in my objection to this, but you can hardly call the FAW (who oppose the plans along with Scottish FA and Irish FA) a bastion of Welsh nationalism.

It's more to do with the threat a GB team would have to the future status of the individual national teams. FIFA are under pressure from some countries for allowing Wales, Scotland, England and NI to have individual teams.

It's basically a wet dream of Gordon Brown and the English FA

What's even more annoying is that the WRU owned Millenium Stadium have agreed for the stadium to be used for any GB football match - which is a flamin cheek seeing as the FAW give them so much dosh for using their stadium in the first place.

If the Welsh national football team goes, the WRU are going to lose income long term. But then the WRM have alwaus been a bunch of lace licking Brits, so what do you expect.
The Millenium Stadium is gonna be changing its name. The WRU will name it after whichever multinational or millionaire will pay them for the privillege.
We should split the whole GB team up into separate England, Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland for all sports, Olympics, Athletics, Swimming, Lawn Bowls, Tiddlywinks, the whole lot and have done with.
The ironic thing is I doubt any of the N Irish/ Welsh or Scotch players would be good enough anyway!!

Just enter the England U23 team and call it UK!
You do realise if we entered a GB/UK team into the World Cup we might actually win something.

But of course petty national rivalarys are much more important :rolleyes:

Yet another example of why I can't stand the 'sport' of football.
I'm not sure I understand the entirety of the objection. If there's a worry that one league or nation will be over-represented,and by implication the others under-represented, why not just say a certain number have to come from each?

It only has to be for the Olympics. You know, the purist form of sport and all that?
FFS the four rugby union home nations seem to be able to manage the lions tour without whingineing.

It's only the Olympics ffs, not the fucking Football World Cup :rolleyes:
FFS the four rugby union home nations seem to be able to manage the lions tour without whingineing.

It's only the Olympics ffs, not the fucking Football World Cup :rolleyes:

They whinge a lot apparently-the Lions is whole different story though-its got history and tradition-not that i agree with it mind

Football though -as far as i know theres never been a "GB" football team in the Olympics-
Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (and England if they so wished) should all enter their own teams in the Olympics.

Some Welsh athletes have made a name for themselves as part of the GB team, but more of our people would be able to participate if we had our own teams.

As far as football, I have supported my national team all my life and do not want our team placed at risk by taking part in a fake GB team.

It's about as stupid as having a European Union football team.
FFS the four rugby union home nations seem to be able to manage the lions tour without whingineing.

It's only the Olympics ffs, not the fucking Football World Cup :rolleyes:

The Lions represent Ireland (the whole of it), Wales, Scotland and England on equal terms - it's a world away from this attempt to politicise football. If you can't see the connection and think that the Olympics is sport at its purest then you haven't been watching since about 1968
You do realise if we entered a GB/UK team into the World Cup we might actually win something.

But of course petty national rivalarys are much more important :rolleyes:

Yet another example of why I can't stand the 'sport' of football.

Stupid argument, you may as well argue for a Europe team at the world cup. The point is that we have teams that represent our nations rather than the very much artificially created and colourless 'UK'

I'm not sure I understand the entirety of the objection. If there's a worry that one league or nation will be over-represented,and by implication the others under-represented, why not just say a certain number have to come from each?

It only has to be for the Olympics. You know, the purist form of sport and all that?

FFS the four rugby union home nations seem to be able to manage the lions tour without whingineing.

It's only the Olympics ffs, not the fucking Football World Cup :rolleyes:

The point is, if this happens for the Olympics then the great many countries around the world who argue against the UK having four teams rather than one will have their cause strengthened, perhaps decisively. The very fact of having a Team GB at the olympics will very possibly lead to the same happening for the World Cup etc. This has been explained time and again, it's about retaining the separate representation of the four UK nations not a one off summer jolly.
Do the netherlands, belgium and luxemburg put forward a benelux team??

yeah, but benelux isn't any sort of sovereign state, whereas the UK clearly is. And it is the team that is historically entered from the British countries to the Olympics, as opposed to say during the commonwealth.

Must say, I'm surprised about the strength of feeling about this - maybe it reflects my lack of interest in sport.:oops:
yeah, but benelux isn't any sort of sovereign state, whereas the UK clearly is. And it is the team that is historically entered from the British countries to the Olympics, as opposed to say during the commonwealth.

Must say, I'm surprised about the strength of feeling about this - maybe it reflects my lack of interest in sport.:oops:

Turn this on its head and you could argue that entering a UK team in the Olympics is the anomaly... Wales has separate rugby and football teams at international level, enters an athletics team in the Commonwealth Games. Why not the Olympics too?

Sport has replaced religion as the opium of the people - we worship at the altar of Sky Sports and Setanta. What was once a way to let off some steam and create a sense of community has become commoditised and commercialised to a ridiculous degree.
I reckon England should let Scotland, Wales, and N.Ireland have 'turns' at getting to play football at an international tournament.
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