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Niche left candidates thread


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A trainspottery thread for following the fortunes of the Communist League, Communist Future and the like. To start off with, the Communist League's attempt to win the voters of Manchester Rusholme over to revolutionary Trotskyism and full support for Israel got a previous mention over on this thread. I can now update things by mentioning that since Peter Clifford is running against Afzal Khan, who's actually decent on Palestine and resigned from the front bench in order to vote for a ceasefire, Clifford's own RMT branch have voted that, although the RMT isn't affiliated to Labour nationally, they're going to donate to Khan's campaign to make it clear that they're endorsing a pro-ceasefire candidate in Rusholme. Which is totally understandable under the circumstances, but still, getting told to fuck off by your own branch like that has got to sting.
Communist Party of Britain have a candidate here in Newcastle East, one of 12 nationally. By the name of Emma-Jane Philips. Don't know anything else about her though.

Edit. Found her LinkedIn and apparently she has been a Methodist preacher for over 20 years and is a regional caseworker for UCU, also a senior lecturer in Computer Science at Northumbria University. Surprising that they have a religious candidate, even if Methodism is quite historically leftist.
By the way, is the SPGB standing anywhere? If not, why not? Surely that's their USP seeing as they're the parliamentary wing of the anarchist movement :mad:

Two seats . . . two seats too many, imho. (From the 'Let's not contest elections for the foreseeable future' wing of the SPGB.)

Anyway, I thought Ian Bone was the parliamentary wing of the anarchist movement?
not wanting to risk splitting the potential jeremy corbyn vote this time round?


Ouch. :eek:

Nah, that doesn't explain not contesting Islington North in 2019.

The truth is much more mundane. I think the London comrades just wanted to contest a token seat in London . . . and picked the seat nearest SPGB Head Office, where they could ensure that they'd have a decent cup of tea and a generous assortment of biscuits after doing a token cough canvass or party stall.

Preparing for power, they are not.
Am I right in thinking that Steve Score has been the main Millie guy in Leicester for decades? That name looks familiar from past elections.
Yep, that's the one. Much as I dislike SPEW and had a few run-ins with the old Militant back in the day, Steve's actually a lovely fella. Once, in an election years ago, I told him I don't normally vote in these bourgeois shenanigans or else occasionally spoil my ballot, but said I would vote for him because I kind of felt sorry for him always coming nowhere.
Communist Party of Britain have a candidate here in Newcastle East, one of 12 nationally. By the name of Emma-Jane Philips. Don't know anything else about her though.

Edit. Found her LinkedIn and apparently she has been a Methodist preacher for over 20 years and is a regional caseworker for UCU, also a senior lecturer in Computer Science at Northumbria University. Surprising that they have a religious candidate, even if Methodism is quite historically leftist.
Didn't know Philips was CP but IIRC she defended Sally Hunt, then General Secretary, and tried to block delegates from holding no confidence and censure votes. She might not be a member of the Independent Broad Left faction but she's allied with them.

I've got Louie Fulton from TUSC (and SP) standing here. Can't find much but he did get my vote. Surprisingly the only two leaflets I've got are from TUSC and Labour, which says TUS might be more organised then sometimes.
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We had a local hustings last night, tho the Tory and the useless puddle of piss Labour MP didn’t show (the tories put up a sub, at least). Turned into, mostly, a 3 way debate between the greens, WPB & the SWP. It was dire.

But, the big question was? Would it help drive the SWP fundraising up? And, yes! So it did. She got an extra £45, so is now on 9% of her target. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind.
We had a local hustings last night, tho the Tory and the useless puddle of piss Labour MP didn’t show (the tories put up a sub, at least). Turned into, mostly, a 3 way debate between the greens, WPB & the SWP. It was dire.

But, the big question was? Would it help drive the SWP fundraising up? And, yes! So it did. She got an extra £45, so is now on 9% of her target. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind.

Is that Maxine Bowler?
Out on the ecosocialist front, new left Party Transform is standing in the Newton Aycliffe and Spennymoor and Bishop Auckland constituencies in County Durham, their founding group Liverpool Community Independents are standing under their own banner in Liverpool Garston, the Social Justice Party is standing in Scarborough & Whitby and the Alliance for Green Socialism is standing in Leeds North East and Lewisham North.
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