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Nazi memorabilia for sale down the road is this normal ?


Popped into the crappy auction house in my nearest town to mooch about and see what's there for the upcoming sale, I love that place or I used to anyway. In there folded up on the table between the usual crockery and stuff there's a big and I think authentic nazi flag. It will be sold at auction this Saturday. Just found it in their online catalog, its this.

Screenshot 2022-03-31 at 15.27.08.png

I had a strong emotional reaction to seeing it there, i unfolded it and touching it felt fucked up. As far as i can see from a quick google this is perfectly legal to sell in this country which i didn't expect, but even if totally legal I think they should not be selling this to make a few quid they should just have refused it. Am thinking about saying something but i don't know if thats overreacting and weird of me idk.
Do you see this sort of thing often in places like that and i just have never noticed before? :hmm:
Of course it's legal. As far as I'm aware this shit is only illegal in Germany. Pretty poor form on the part of the auction house though. I reckon most would probably have told the seller to fuck off. I doubt it's genuine ww2 vintage though. I'd expect weirdos to pay a lot more than £60 for a Hitler vintage fashflag.
Of course it's legal. As far as I'm aware this shit is only illegal in Germany. Pretty poor form on the part of the auction house though. I reckon most would probably have told the seller to fuck off. I doubt it's genuine ww2 vintage though. I'd expect weirdos to pay a lot more than £60 for a Hitler vintage fashflag.
nope totally illegal in france (i just learned). But yeah as you say, its shit of them i think. I really liked the place, and kind of feel differently now.
Of course it's legal. As far as I'm aware this shit is only illegal in Germany. Pretty poor form on the part of the auction house though. I reckon most would probably have told the seller to fuck off. I doubt it's genuine ww2 vintage though. I'd expect weirdos to pay a lot more than £60 for a Hitler vintage fashflag.
Looking at the photo it's been hacked about a bit and may have been a war souvenir: or some half-arsed repro
Looking at the photo it's been hacked about a bit and may have been a war souvenir: or some half-arsed repro

Yep, it's being sold with a load of antiques and looks like it could be someone' war souvenir, would be a shame if it ended up in some weirdo's Hitler shrine instead of its rightful place in a museum or bonfire.

Maybe a local newspaper would be interested in hearing about it?
Probably real, there were literally millions of swastika flags made by the nazis.

Bloke I used to score weed off was a buyer and seller of all sorts of stuff, he kept some crap like that in a cabinet in his front room, a sheet of Third Reich stamps with Hitler's head on each on made my blood run cooler than normal.
who buys that sort of thing anyway, its almost tempting to go and watch on saturday but i shouldnt, i'd not enjoy it.
Know dealers who won't touch that sort of stuff. Even where they did have it as a historical curio the buyers were always exactly the sort of people you'd imagine. Some places/shops do get a rep for doing it under the counter too.
who buys that sort of thing anyway, its almost tempting to go and watch on saturday but i shouldnt, i'd not enjoy it.

Well a mate of mine has various Nazi era stuff, including uniforms, because the silly sod is involved in World War II re-enactment games/shows.

As odd as that seems to me, he's certainly not a neo-Nazi or anything like that, far from it.
Think I would be inclined to complain to the auction house.

See what they say about the provenance.
It is likely to be a wartime souvenir, but selling that sort of 5h1te at the present time is in exceptionally bad taste [and at anytime, tbh].
Think I would be inclined to complain to the auction house.

See what they say about the provenance.
It is likely to be a wartime souvenir, but selling that sort of 5h1te at the present time is in exceptionally bad taste [and at anytime, tbh].
yeah, am having a dilemma feeling. i was emailing them last week about a chair i want to sell, so i feel kind of self conscious not like an anomymous complainer.
One of the gala themes at many heritage railways are wartime / re-enactments, especially ww2.
Most that I was already aware of have been cancelled for this year.
There have been discussions around the normal theme being pivoted away from glorifying wars, and more towards the plight of evacuees, refugees and internees.
who buys that sort of thing anyway, its almost tempting to go and watch on saturday but i shouldnt, i'd not enjoy it.
There is a "museum" in Wales that is full of Nazi and neo Nazi items. I went with someone I support as he noticed it and it wasn't what either of us were expecting as it wasn't really advertised as such. Bit weird. Also had loads of news clippings about serial killers on the wall and a lamp made out of skin.

I think describing Mosely and Nazis as "politically incorrect" is a bit of an understatement. The flyer we had wasn't clear and I think this trip advisor review sums it up:

"View the owners collection, not overly educational."
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