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Mystery loud boom heard in Washington Dc

His crash was ruled to be mostly pilot error.

He was flying his Long EZ and his licence was out of date. I think the proximate cause was trying to switch between fuel tanks and losing control of the aircraft whilst doing that, though there was some debate about wether the tank he was switching to fess full and also wether hypoxia was an issue. He’d been done for drink driving a few times too but I don’t think there was any evidence he’d been drinking at the time of the crash. All very sad.
He was flying his Long EZ and his licence was out of date. I think the proximate cause was trying to switch between fuel tanks and losing control of the aircraft whilst doing that, though there was some debate about wether the tank he was switching to fess full and also wether hypoxia was an issue. He’d been done for drink driving a few times too but I don’t think there was any evidence he’d been drinking at the time of the crash. All very sad.

The crash report said that the plane hasn't been properly fueled before takeoff, and he lost control and rolled when trying to switch to the reserve tank. I think tests showed that he was sober at the time of the crash.
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