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Music genres you didn’t know you needed in your life, but you do.

Certain you must have come across him before but Mulatu Astatke is the don.

Gah, trying to embed a Spotify album but can't suss how to deal with the code
Chopped and Screwed. Haven't had a style of music grab me like that for a while and I've been pretty fascinated with it since my friend first played me June 27 on the 1st January 2022. It took me a couple of listens and then getting through some of the other tapes for it to really sink in that I loved it.
Dark Chillstep.

Not so much in a “listening” way, but if I need to concentrate on something it really works in the background.

Poss not what this thread was going for tbf.
I have a big thing for Indian Bangla/folk/metal stuff but can't find much over hear.
This morning I have just bought a Hu album, listened to half of it and loving it. Pop/rock with Mongolian throat singing 😂
In recent years I've discovered the existence of 'dub-techno' - it is was it sounds like. I absolutely love it!

I've been listening to Soko a lot. I'm not sure how you'd describe her music, it's French indy, a bit emo, with quite a dark side in some songs, is as near as I can describe it. Here's my favourite track from her album I Thought I Was An Alien, which is my favourite album of hers.

I've been listening to Soko a lot. I'm not sure how you'd describe her music, it's French indy, a bit emo, with quite a dark side in some songs, is as near as I can describe it. Here's my favourite track from her album I Thought I Was An Alien, which is my favourite album of hers.

Indie folk?
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