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Moved to Bristol a month and a half ago. WHEN WILL IT STOP RAINING?


slight system overdrive
I knew Bristol was wetter than London but dear god, 9 days out of 10 have been raining since I arrived! It's an unacceptable level of rain tbh.

Anyway, is there anyone in the city who doesn't hate me and would like to meet for a drink sometime?
I shall be sampling the delights of Bristol on 26-27 Jan…mainly in the wave where the pesky precipitation is less of a bother
Tha wants to get thasen oop North, it's always sunny in Manchester. Or something.

(Yes I know that's Yorkshire dialect not Lancashire, but Yorkshire dialect just comes more naturally.)
welcome. Rain, it’s practically Wales I suppose. :D i’d be up for having a pint with you. I think I met you a few years ago South London drinks.
I'm from Brizzle originally, but I ran away "oop norff" years/decades ago.

My childhood memories are of plenty of sun, so I've no idea whot's ganning on wiv t'weavver atv the moment.
welcome. Rain, it’s practically Wales I suppose. :D i’d be up for having a pint with you. I think I met you a few years ago South London drinks.
Great, are there any regular Bristol drinks or has that not happened for a while?
Great, are there any regular Bristol drinks or has that not happened for a while?

No regular ones and the last thread I started I don’t think went all that well. I mean fizzled out. But fuck it yeah i’ll start another one. There are a few of us in the general Bristol area.
On the plus side, it's normally much milder in winter while it pisses it down and you'll rarely see a frost (through the pissing rain) :thumbs:
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