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Most relatable scenes in movies ever

Waiting for the lift's doors to close when you're in a hurry, only for some random to stick their hand between the doors as they were just about to close so they can get in.
Being the only one left trying to blow up a giant space station and about to be shot out of space by your estranged dad when your new best mate turns up and shoots your dad so you can use your space wizardry to save a planet.

All the fucking time.
I always think Ray Liotta "do you think I'm funny" laugh - the mouth at the very fullest it can stretch (and its still not enough to contain the exhilaration of something that funny)...That's a proper laugh.
The "aaaah" scream that Jon Bernthal/Brad does in Wolf of Wall Street when he gets needlessly caught by the Police because Jonah Hill/Donnie is being a dick...The sheer anger, helplessness and unnecessary-ness of it all... All you can do is go "aaaaaaaaah" to vent :D
Someone laying eyes on you exactly at the moment when it might look like you were behaving inappropriately with a friend or work colleague and them getting the wrong idea, followed by you unsuccessfully pleading ‘Wait! I can explain.’
My life feels like I'm a character from a David Lunch movie. I haz been living the nightmare on loop :hmm:
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