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More UKUncut action against tax avoiders 18.12

UK Uncut are getting lots of requests for media interviews about the actions tomorrow. Local actions don't usually get as much attention, which can make the impact seem smaller than it is (ref Save EMA day), so it'll be nice if the nationals give a good round-up. :cool:
Yeah, lots of journo's popping up on twitter and other places looking for interveiwees. It's certainly got media attention this campaign.. I wonder if the media want to be sure that ukuncut don't turn their attention on them, daily mail and guardian, Times and Sun are def. tax avoiders (well their parent companies), I would expect the telegraph is since it's owned by the Barclay Brothers. Don't know about mirror or indy or other though.
Letter in yesterday's Financial Times (with commentary):

"…… at the time when the 2005 Arcadia dividend was paid by Sir Philip Green [the owner of Topshop], the Inland Revenue was conducting a campaign against small family businesses whose shareholders were just the husband and wife, and where most of the profits were paid in the form of a dividend to the wife rather than as a salary to the husband who was doing all the work. It was never established just how large the contribution of Tina Green was to the achievement of such profits."

In simple terms HMRC seems to have ignored that the very legislation they use against small businesses on a daily basis (IR35, income splitting, etc) has not been used against (Sir) Philip Green where the return on HMRC’s “investment” would be huge.

Bury St Edmunds
Hemel Hempstead
Keighley, West Yorkshire
Newcastle upon Tyne
St Albans
St Albans
Tunbridge Wells

:D More of this kind of stuff please, lots of small actions taking place all over the UK. I'm looking forward to the next big demo in london but I like this kind of thing more.

The pic ymu linked to has gone, but thankfully it's still the same state of play on fb so here is is again:

topshop london fb.jpg

and yeah, 50 actions (or more, I can't be bothered to count them) is fantastic :)
UK Uncut churning out press releases.

Branded, 'pay-day', there are estimated to have been 55 protests by the Big Society Revenue Customs taking place on high streets up and down the country as people expose the arguments behind the austerity cuts as lies [1].

In Brighton, two activists dressed as Santa glued themselves inside BHS, while their 'disruptive tax dodger tour' also shut Dorothy Perkins and Burton. On Oxford Street, London, protestors were organised into two main blocks. Trading was disrupted at the flag-ship Topshop store as activists held a 'sport-day' with people holding egg and spoon races, playing football, doing sit-ups and star jumps, in an attempt to stop the £160m cuts to school sports. Further along the street, activists closed the flagship Vodafone store with a 'read-in' in an attempt to save public libraries from being axed.

There have been further confirmed store closures in Edinburgh, Truro, Manchester, Cambridge, Liverpool, Wrexham, Walthamstow, Brixton, Tunbridge Wells, Islington, Bristol, Nottingham, and Oxford.

Protests are believed to have taken place in a further 40 locations around Britain today.

Protesters have even designed an iPhone app to help people angry at the cuts to locate their local tax avoider and join their nearest protest [3]

No news coverage from the BBC. I don't know about Sky as I try to avoid that filth. The Hon Tobes has posted this wilfully ignorant blog on the Torygraph website

Has there ever been a more ham-fisted protest movement than UK Uncut? The express purpose of this organisation is to force rich individuals and corporations to pay more tax. Whatever the merits of the case – and, obviously, I think taxes should be lowered for everybody, not raised for anyone – it’s hard to see how interfering with ordinary shoppers is going to advance the movement’s cause.


What a thick Tory fuck.
We left M&S. Walked down Oxford Street. Vodafone, Boots and HMV pre-emptively closed!! SERIOUSLY. We own this road.

We walked until we found a store that wasn't shut. We found a Vodafone. So we shut it!

We left M&S. Walked down Oxford Street. Vodafone, Boots and HMV pre-emptively closed!! SERIOUSLY. We own this road.

We walked until we found a store that wasn't shut. We found a Vodafone. So we shut it!

yeah, Topshop in Birmingham closed before we were anywhere near it, I assume they saw us coming into the Bullring, but it may have been closed even before that.
We also visited HSBC and closed Vodafone, but the snow meant that there were not very many people out, and it was very cold, so we didn't stay outside in the snow for long.
It's quite an eye-opener how much power we have, just showing our faces meant that topshop closed.. madness..
Oddly there were many, many more police out on the 4th than this week, and vodafone closed pre-emptively for us then, but not this week.. I'm not sure what'll happen on the next day of action, whether there will be loads of police again or not really any at all..

Glad they closed Topshop before we got there though, because we got immediately (and I mean immediately) dragged/carried/walked out of the Bullring, no time at all. Lots of Bullring security there waiting for us.
Smaller than expected group at Vodaphone Oxford Street - presumably a lot of people were put off by snow. But it was enough to hold our ground against the police when necessary and to close down a fair few shops, so a good result. Though I heard the Topshop people got forcibly ejected the police were using the velvet glove approach with our group. We stayed a while in one vodaphone store and people read out excepts and poems from books they'd brought or the internet - and people talking about political stuff they wanted to share. Was all pretty fluffy, while inflicting some economic damage :cool:
A jolly protest in Brighton - mulled wine, soup & carols :cool: BHS & Dorothy Perkins shut for a while. Fascist security at Churchill Square were priceless by locking both entrances - no one in & no one out, arseholes. On approaching Churchill Square from the meeting point two fash security started to throw their weight around. Two arrests from what i know, the Santa duo. Fair play to you guys, 'cos it was fuckin' cold! No idea whether the guys on the roof were arrested - are they still there?

Nice to meet you GoneCoastal - a pint or two soon mate ;)

A few pics of the day - http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrbishie/sets/72157625624578202/
Sounds like a good one. Small point - I'm sure the guards weren't very nice but declaring anyone who obstructs you to be 'fascist' undermines the meaning of the word and also makes you sound a bit, I dunno, shrill or something. We're not fighting fascism really right now - more like fighting a bogus economic rationality that serves the interests of the rich, and the security guards have a place in that, but I don't think they were really fascists were they?
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