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More UKUncut action against tax avoiders 18.12


Well-Known Member
On the last thread, I spent the time posting up details, but I'm not going to do that - there are nearly 40 protests going on this saturday :D


TopShop and Vodafone will probably be the targets at most/all of them I would imagine. I love it that small places are there and it's not just the cities.. I imagine that some of these actions will only have one or two people on them, but two people closed down vodafone in bury st. edmunds (iirc) by lying in the doorway so it can be done..

I'm not sure if I should have just bumped the thread from the 4th for this weekend as well.. I think UKUncut will be doing more of these, so a thread for each one might not be worthwhile..
Oh, and someone from UKUncut is going to be on newsnight this evening talking about how protests have changed or something along those lines.
Let the history books state: the anti-cuts movement was destined for victory from the day Dorothy Perkins was shut down in Aberystwyth.

UK Uncut, 11/12/10









Bury St Edmunds













Hemel Hempstead









Newcastle upon Tyne






St Albans




Tunbridge Wells



London UK Uncut Activity on Saturday

18th of December is Pay Day, with actions in cities across the country. Once again our London action will be hitting Oxford Street to take on some of Britain’s biggest tax dodgers. Over 200 people came on our last London action and we successfully shut down both Vodafone and Philip Green’s Topshop, the largest fashion retail store in the world. This time it’s going to be even bigger. Here’s the plan:

There will be two blocs, each bloc focusing on a specific target and a specific cut. You choose which bloc to join.

The Sports Bloc
The Sports Bloc’s mission is to target Topshop and highlight the proposed £162m cuts to school sports. Philip Green’s £285m tax dodge could have funded almost two whole years of school sports in every school in the country. Sports Bloc will meet inside Topshop’s flagship store and hold our very own sports day. At exactly 1.04pm, on the PE teacher’s signal, the games will begin. Bring bean bags, hula hoops, eggs and spoons, sacks, and three-legged race partners. Team up with your friends and organise some games. If you want to join Sports Bloc, come with flyers, banners, and don’t forget your PE kit (perhaps wear it under your clothes?)

The Library Bloc
The Library bloc’s mission is to target Vodafone and highlight the government’s 27% cuts to local government budgets. Vodafone’s £6bn tax dodge could pay for every single cut to every single council everywhere in the country for the next two years. Library bloc will meet inside Vodafone’s flagship store to stage a read-in. At exactly 1.04pm, on the librarian’s signal, everyone will sit down, take out a book and begin reading. If you want to join Library Bloc bring flyers, banners and a book. And remember…shhhhh!

The action will be done by 3pm.

See you on the high streets!
How Ironic that the UKUNCUT people are after someone to pay their dues yet they seem to completely ignore copyright and continue to use my image in the Brighton UNCUT blog, facebook page etc..... without even asking. Had I been asked then I would have given permission......

I fully support what you are doing but seriously guys.....
They're not a fucking corporation. It's Brighton Uncut using it, not UK Uncut - ie some individual using it for entirely non-commercial purposes. If you want a credit, ask them for one.

Have you blurred out the faces of the people you accuse of violence on your own blog yet? Or is it OK for you to provide evidence against them whilst copyrighting the image for your own potential gain?

How Ironic that the UKUNCUT people are after someone to pay their dues yet they seem to completely ignore copyright and continue to use my image in the Brighton UNCUT blog, facebook page etc..... without even asking. Had I been asked then I would have given permission......

I fully support what you are doing but seriously guys.....

That's the spirit.
erm ok, you are very naive as to how the world works. the matter is sorted. Its called common courtesy to ask someone before using their property, I make a living through my photographs whether you like it or not.

As for blurring faces, FUCK OFF. No journalist no matter which side they are on would ever blur faces, its not how photographers/ journalists work, you don't see it happening anywhere. As has been proven over and over again including by the fact these people have turned up in the police wanted lists etc.... they were filmed the whole day by various people and the police as well doing whatever you think I have instigated them as doing, whereas if you read the notes under each image in no place does it actually show the people partaking in anything illegal merely preparing to do so. As for saying I am providing evidence, to do this the police would need my permission to use the photographs in court as evidence something that they would not get from me and I am not entitled to give. Also an image is not proof of an offense as images can be doctored etc..... ESPECIALLY when none of my images actually show any real offenses.

Seriously you are shouting at the wrong person, I was there to document the protests, and have done so in as far as possible a non biased way, is this your issue? should I have shot it completely biased saying that it was all the Police being violent and the protesters all sat round making daisy chains etc... which would be a complete fabrication and lie.

Now if you have any VALID reason for me to blur the faces apart from a feeling of self importance and a farcical idea that I am out to get people convicted (something I am pretty sure I am not considering the shit i have pulled myself) then I suggest you go cry about something else as I am not going to blur faces, if people want their faces blurred/ obscured then they should do the intelligent thing and PUT A FUCKING MASK ON LIKE THE CLEVER PEOPLE DID.
As for blurring faces, FUCK OFF. No journalist no matter which side they are on would ever blur faces, its not how photographers/ journalists work, you don't see it happening anywhere. As has been proven over and over again including by the fact these people have turned up in the police wanted lists etc.... they were filmed the whole day by various people and the police as well doing whatever you think I have instigated them as doing, whereas if you read the notes under each image in no place does it actually show the people partaking in anything illegal merely preparing to do so. As for saying I am providing evidence, to do this the police would need my permission to use the photographs in court as evidence something that they would not get from me and I am not entitled to give. Also an image is not proof of an offense as images can be doctored etc..... ESPECIALLY when none of my images actually show any real offenses.
you are bang out of order.

there has been a clear voluntary code that all protest photographers who proclaim to be on the side of the protesters have stuck to for years, eg Indymedia etc. not to publish photographs that could be used as evidence against protesters.

Your excuses are piss poor, and you need to really examine how you would feel if your photo's were used to put someone in prison, because this absolutely is what will happen at some poitn if you continue down this route, just as it has happened in the past. As a protester other protesters will give you more leeway to take photographs because they'll assume that you'd not publish anything that's going to incriminate them, as this has always been the way it works. If you're not going to abide by this, then you can expect to see protestors turning on photographers and forcing you to delete photographs there and then.

pick a side, if you're on the side of protestors then don't give the police the ammunition they need to arrest protestors. If you're going to do the polices work for them, then expect to be treated in the same way as the fit teams would be if they didn't have police protection. sort it out ffs.
erm ok, you are very naive as to how the world works. the matter is sorted. Its called common courtesy to ask someone before using their property, I make a living through my photographs whether you like it or not.

As for blurring faces, FUCK OFF. No journalist no matter which side they are on would ever blur faces, its not how photographers/ journalists work, you don't see it happening anywhere. As has been proven over and over again including by the fact these people have turned up in the police wanted lists etc.... they were filmed the whole day by various people and the police as well doing whatever you think I have instigated them as doing, whereas if you read the notes under each image in no place does it actually show the people partaking in anything illegal merely preparing to do so. As for saying I am providing evidence, to do this the police would need my permission to use the photographs in court as evidence something that they would not get from me and I am not entitled to give. Also an image is not proof of an offense as images can be doctored etc..... ESPECIALLY when none of my images actually show any real offenses.

Seriously you are shouting at the wrong person, I was there to document the protests, and have done so in as far as possible a non biased way, is this your issue? should I have shot it completely biased saying that it was all the Police being violent and the protesters all sat round making daisy chains etc... which would be a complete fabrication and lie.

Now if you have any VALID reason for me to blur the faces apart from a feeling of self importance and a farcical idea that I am out to get people convicted (something I am pretty sure I am not considering the shit i have pulled myself) then I suggest you go cry about something else as I am not going to blur faces, if people want their faces blurred/ obscured then they should do the intelligent thing and PUT A FUCKING MASK ON LIKE THE CLEVER PEOPLE DID.
so you'd be quite happy to see someone sent down, just so you and your precious 'artistic purity'can be maintained. wanker.
there's a surprisingly supportive article in the Daily Fail about it


esp. as daily fail are tax avoiders (DMGT is in Isle of man iirc, some tax haven anyway).. and Lord Rothermere is officially a French (again iirc, might be another country) national, resident in the uk in order to avoid paying tax..
Will be interesting to see if they get targetted at any point for being such a huge bunch of hyprocrites (and lots of other things)
Now if you have any VALID reason for me to blur the faces

seen as self interest is all you seem to care about ill give you a reason, photographers who are identified as doing this shit are very likely to lose there expensive camara shit and put other photographers who dont do this shit at physical risk at demonstrations

you really wont like it when the crowd rightly turns on you
And back to the thread topic. I'll be going to this in London. People who know me get in touch if you fancy meeting up :)
As for blurring faces, FUCK OFF. No journalist no matter which side they are on would ever blur faces, its not how photographers/ journalists work, you don't see it happening anywhere.
From La Repubblica's site. Photo taken on Tuesday

Any folk from Brighton meeting up?

What with the snow forecast, plod could have problems..

Here we go again. Brighton Clock Tower at 12 noon, Saturday 18th December.

Come prepared for disruptive tour of Brighton's biggest tax dodgers. The 4th of December was huge. We made the national news and topped the most-read list all over the web. We have to make the public aware that there are alternatives to this assault on our communities.

Saturday the 18th will be bigger and better, larger and louder.

See you on the high-street.

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