Lord Camomile
I think it's entirely possible he'd enjoy annoying Morgan.
Michel to Hunt:
20 January 2011
Great to see you today. We should get little [children's name redacted] together in the future to socialise. Nearly born the same day at the same place!
Warm regards
Hunt to Michel:
20 January 2011
Good to see you too. hope u understand why we have to have the long process. Let's meet up when things are resolved. J.
Michel to Hunt:
20 January 2011
"We do, and we'll do our very best to be constructive and helpful throughout. You were very impressive yesterday. "
Michel to Hunt:
13 March 2011
"Very good on Marr as always."
Hunt to Michel:
13 March 2011
"Merci. Hopefully when consultation over we can have a coffee like the old days."
Oh my sides are aitken.Clearly you underestimate his sword of truth and trusty shield of fair play.
Clearly you underestimate his sword of truth and trusty shield of fair play.
Depends on whether you use your invisible hand or not.How long can it take to mash up the face of someone whose legs have already been done?
Not seen this today - nothing's happened to change the existing narriatve from what I can see?
As best I can tell, broadly no change. But the evidence today has been a pain to digest as its so many fragments of emails & texts and mobile phone call timings, so may require some time to fully appreciate. Personally Im not trying too hard to get a full grip on it until Smith has given evidence, although things Jay has said give plenty of indications of areas Smith will challenge.
The direct texts between Michel and Hunt might be new, but they aren't so much a smoking gun but rather an indication that they were friendly towards each other.