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Mighty Hoopla, Cross The Tracks, Wide Awake, Field Day & City Splash festivals, Brockwell Park - discussion

Just walked through the park. As events go it seems pretty non invasive - just earnest looking people walking around with their face in their phones!* It’s even amusingly surreal in the bigger crowds. As long as you’re careful not to walk into them it’s fine. :) Glad I didn’t cycle as it would have been frustrating, but tbf it’s their right of way.

Agree that some of the construction truck drivers could have shown more consideration :hmm: but that’s on them really, not the event.

*so like most other days ;)
Riding through the pedestrianised bit very slowly this morning as everyone was face down in their phone
Agree with this sentiment:

I think I do too, but I’d also challenge the lumping together of one event that is largely contained to the park, and a week of events where certain parts of it weren’t. Being so all and nothing assumes that residents can’t have a more nuanced view, either comparing event to event or about the same event. It also means anyone with valid concerns about one and not another can be dismissed as an intolerant NIMBY, or that anyone who is broadly pro or anti can’t have a different opinion about a specific event. It leads to exactly the unhelpfully polarised conversations that happen on here!

And following that all or nothing approach, logically the article could be used to argue that people have no right to be annoyed about neighbours who move in and have parties every weekend for the summer, which I’m guessing isn’t their intent.

Having said that, I do also find the statement from FoBP to be a bit hyperbolic and unnecessary.
Just cycled through from BWL, lots of people but all seems pretty unobtrusive and can’t help thinking this is bringing people to the park that wouldn’t come otherwise which I think is positive.

This take particularly sucks. What a strange account.

I find it very hard to believe the organisers are making £2 million for themselves from one weekend.
60,000 people multiplied by £32 ticket cost is £1.92m maximum possible turnover. That's turnover, not profit.

That assumes every single ticket is sold, and that each one is sold at full price. Which is not remotely likely.
I find it very hard to believe the organisers are making £2 million for themselves from one weekend.
Silly question - why do they need to sell tickets? Can you only catch them with a permission code?

Tbf I don’t know why I’m asking you, you probably have as little clue as me :D
60,000 people multiplied by £32 ticket cost is £1.92m maximum possible turnover. That's turnover, not profit.

That assumes every single ticket is sold, and that each one is sold at full price. Which is not remotely likely.
There will also be hefty income from the merch tent, gaming extra and possibly food stall rents.


Brockwell had a touch of Black Mirror about it, with people all wandering about staring at their phones. I was surprised it was overwhelmingly adults there. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, apart from joggers who seemed pissed off with people in their way (which is fine because they're usually the people pissing others off!)

60,000 people multiplied by £32 ticket cost is £1.92m maximum possible turnover. That's turnover, not profit.

That assumes every single ticket is sold, and that each one is sold at full price. Which is not remotely likely.
Yes, as I said, I don't believe they're taking home 2 mill...
Mr. Smith on Nextdoor is not happy about Teen Thugs hurting his snowflake whippet's feelings.

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Do these people not realise how selfish they are expecting a public park just to be exactly how they want to use it?

What I don’t understand is do they not want these events to take place anywhere or just in “their” park?

I get the fair criticism about damage and whether the council’s getting a fair fee but most of those arguments are in bad faith and they just seem to want it for how they use it.

Seriously, some don’t realise how lucky they are to have a park as amazing as Brockwell Park on their doorstop. Even most of the countryside doesn’t have as amazing public space as that.

Reading the statement and this stood out:

  • This is a gross breach of the undertaking Lambeth Council gave to the Brockwell Park Community Partners (BPCP) and to the FOBP that major events, including the Lambeth Country Show, would be restricted to the May–June period

Knowing the Council and I can understand how this could annoy local community groups. Council make an agreement with local community groups then wriggle out of it.

Council officers are arguing that this is not a "major event". Despite the works needed to set it up and take it down.

The local community groups are also questioning the income the Council will make once Council have footed the bill to make good the damage caused to park.

The Council argument for these events is that the Council need the income as its so cash strapped.

The local community groups are questioning how much the Council will make in the end.

Valid questions to my mind.
The local community groups are also questioning the income the Council will make once Council have footed the bill to make good the damage caused to park.

The event organisers foot the bill though.
With an amount held as a deposit in case there are any unexpected costs. So the organiser can’t wriggle out of those or avoid by going bust.

Or at least that’s how other councils operate. I’d assume it’s standard procedure across the industry.
Just cycled through from BWL, lots of people but all seems pretty unobtrusive and can’t help thinking this is bringing people to the park that wouldn’t come otherwise which I think is positive.

This take particularly sucks. What a strange account.

I thought rather than just bitching about this account on here should really say it to them direct. Well they’re not wrong I guess…

Photos from yesterday

In photos: Pokemon Go in Brockwell Park, Fri 4th August 2023

In photos: Pokemon Go in Brockwell Park, Fri 4th August 2023

In photos: Pokemon Go in Brockwell Park, Fri 4th August 2023

Interestingly the official account of supporters of Railton Road LTN do not seem keen on this use of the park

Saw this when scrolling down the Brockwell Park Event twitter. They reposted this from the Railton Road LTN supporters twitter.

I can see the logic. If you want public space re orientated to be used by general public then logically one might be critical of monetisation of public spaces by Lambeth Council.

Interestingly the official account of supporters of Railton Road LTN do not seem keen on this use of the park

Saw this when scrolling down the Brockwell Park Event twitter. They reposted this from the Railton Road LTN supporters twitter.

I'm surprised local bars/restaurants didn't put on some related/cash in events given that the attendees were overwhelmingly over 18.
Was a large amount of the park unaccesible to the public or has there been loads of damage?

Feels like after the Tough Mudder incident at Finsbury Park every large event is criticised as standard. However, I can't see much wrong with this from what I saw on twitter.
Well there you go - all the pretence about concerns around noise, damage to the park etc from this strange account just boils down to not wanting anyone else to use “their” park.

I think it's reasonable to expect the local council to prioritise the interests of local people.
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