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Midlands Question: Where's the salt?


New Member
Lake Argos is a freshwater lake, so our Argosans have to get their salt from somewhere...
Where does the salt come from?
How do you guys resolve this in your versions of the Midlands?
So far I have thought of the following options:
Karok salt mine, and you thought their riches came from metals?!? Everyone needs salt, and they have a monopoly!
Nydissians have access to an ocean or mine, and they export it... Which would really give them a strangle hold on the Argosans. "Join our empire or no more salt for you. Have fun with that."
Varnori import it from their kingdom's oceans, and that would make them very wealthy, and make raiding/piracy a dumb thing to do as it would kill their market...
The Shenzu have access to an ocean or mine and they export it... Which would make them much more common and there would be significant ship traffic on the outlet of the lake near the Argos Plateau
Currently I'm leaning toward giving the salt to the Karok as it would give them a resource that is higher volume. Your average person will own a knife, but otherwise don't specifically need metal items. They do however need salt year after year.
I guess there's the salt mine Cheshire and the sea salt place in Maldon, not sure which isnearest "the midlands".

btw I've been to Maldon and never seen any salt collecting activity there. Certainly nothing that would account for the volumes of it that are apparently sold. :hmm:
In what search context does "Midlands" bring up this sub-forum I wonder - and this must surely be a bot ?
Lake Argos is a freshwater lake, so our Argosans have to get their salt from somewhere...
Where does the salt come from?
How do you guys resolve this in your versions of the Midlands?
So far I have thought of the following options:
Karok salt mine, and you thought their riches came from metals?!? Everyone needs salt, and they have a monopoly!
Nydissians have access to an ocean or mine, and they export it... Which would really give them a strangle hold on the Argosans. "Join our empire or no more salt for you. Have fun with that."
Varnori import it from their kingdom's oceans, and that would make them very wealthy, and make raiding/piracy a dumb thing to do as it would kill their market...
The Shenzu have access to an ocean or mine and they export it... Which would make them much more common and there would be significant ship traffic on the outlet of the lake near the Argos Plateau
Currently I'm leaning toward giving the salt to the Karok as it would give them a resource that is higher volume. Your average person will own a knife, but otherwise don't specifically need metal items. They do however need salt year after year.
Where do your Argosans get their hobnobs from?
Which type of salt? I’ve got kosher, fine white table, pink Himalayan, black, lemon, and smoked from Granada. People have given me some as gifts. Why? Why do people think I’d like salt as a gift? :hmm:
Yeah, you need to go to Cheshire for salt - none of this inferior quality droitwich salt.

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