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'Midlands and the North', or Mercia and Northumbria?

rename the forum?

  • Mercia and Northumbria

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Mercia and the North

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Midlands and Northumbria

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stay the same

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Summat else..

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters


Not a Girly Swot, but I like them....
name change?

'the Midlands' is a shit term, its not really the name of a place, it only describes it in relation to other places - which is crap. not being a proper Northerner, though having lived in the North several times and very happily, i'm not really qualified to say whether 'the North' is a good term, so i'll defer to the Northern folk.

Does the "Northumbria" include what is now the Lake District and the Border Reivers area ?


Much of Cumbria (Yr Hen Ogledd, Rheged, Strathcylde whatever) wasn't part of Northumbria and only joined a unified England later iirc.
It depends on which dates you want to use as the template, but perhaps the English and Welsh forums could be rearranged thusly:


The Danelaw forum would cover the north and east (including London), and Alfred's Kingdom would include much of the south west, excluding those areas where the Britons were not under Alfred's rule. It would be up to those remaining areas to decide which forum to join or form their own.

depending on where in anglia/midlands/danelaw I've lived depends which sets of 'local news' and 'regional programming' I get. This used to be more novelty when there was more regional variance rather than the homogeneous bland gruel we call modern local news.
First thing I thought when I saw the name of this sub-forum was 'fucking typical Londoners lumping the Midlands and the north together.' :mad:

Surely the north should have its own sub-forum, then the Midlands can just be ignored.

I'm a southerner by birth (and lived there most of my life) btw, although have defected to Yorkshire and couldn't be paid enough to go back.:thumbs:
First thing I thought when I saw the name of this sub-forum was 'fucking typical Londoners lumping the Midlands and the north together.' :mad:

Surely the north should have its own sub-forum, then the Midlands can just be ignored.

I'm a southerner by birth (and lived there most of my life) btw, although have defected to Yorkshire and couldn't be paid enough to go back.:thumbs:
I've been campaigning for this for years.

They've even got a separate forum for some Sunday league team they all follow :rolleyes::facepalm:
North should have it's own forum. What Midlanders choose to get up to is their business.

Yorkshire and surroundings :)

Don't be daft - we don't want to be accentuating the negative aspects of the North like by focusing on Yorkieshire. :(

It'd be better as the 'The North (grudgingly including Yorkshire, but only because we can't get rid of them)' :p
I have a client with "Mercia" in its name. I was talking about them to someone and actually said "Mercia are in, er, Mercia" Comes from reading too much AS history. And I don't think Northumbria ever had much sway over the lake district, But like someone said above, it depends when, precisely you are talking about. London was a Mercian town right into Alfred's reign, albeit Mercia was generally under Wessex control in later times. And most of Berkshire was a Mercian possession for many years in the mid Saxon period.

Edward the Elder did a lot to sort things out, but it was Athelstan who finally made England England.
I always felt like using the names of the old pre-England petty kingdoms made more sense than just making up names like "North England". I don't care for "The Midlands" but "Mercia" just makes more sense. Not just in sites like these, but the way the government draws county borders and all sorts of things like that.
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