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Malta - Best travel write-up ever?


Plastic Paddy
Thought I'd share this wonderfully bonkers (but absolutely correct) response that I came across elsewhere on the web, to someone asking if Malta was just a summer destination.

Worth persevering with despite the length and woeful lack of spacing!

The worth and value of a visit to any country do not exist in the infrastructure of the country itself but in the mind of the person who does the visiting. A country may give you the opportunity to visit it and its written history and location on earth will give anyone the exact access to any country and any location in it.
Any country is like a work of art. All countries and all works of art are just engineering structures, evolved and shaped by nature and humans. Without human observers and inhabitants, all countries and art pieces are merely engineering structures shaped by nature and humans. They remain to exist without human presence. Without a human observer, no country and no art may be described as, being, beautiful, elegant, or majestic, worth a visit! ………….as (http://majestic………….as) without any human presence, all that exists in any country is simply functional and of utility for some processing engineering activity. There are no emotions nor feelings without human presence, merely FACTS!
It is when a work of art and any country is seen by a human that the mental drug and hallucinations start operating on an emotional level as to being " nice" "worth it" and " not worth it" All the value and purpose of life is in the human mentality. There is nothing " valuable" or not "valuable" in art pieces and living in any country, one has to accept that " life has no purpose" but when we live WE HAVE TO CREATE OUR OWN PURPOSE AND OUR OWN AIM IN LIFE. Malta is a small engineering structure, a small island, whose most pertinent history seems to have started more than 6000 BC and in Malta, we have proof of local civilization dating back many years. There is much more to see in Malta which is not related to the common tourist coming here on the basis that Malta is "not a winter destination but it’s mainly a summer destination!!!!!!!!!!!!" It is absolutely stupid to value a county's worth on the basis of the sun shining or the rain drizzling. That level of mentality will mean a lazy mind which does not want to seek the real associated worth of any country triggered by his own mental abilities. Malta is like an engineered work of art, its level of value and it's worth depends on the observer’s own eyes. It is like saying,” You can take a horse to water but you cannot make him taste the water”. The taste buds are in the horse itself and without them, the horse may see the water but he would never taste its flavor!
I would suggest that one would treat Malta as Albert Einstein described so well:-
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” What we have in Malta may be looked upon as " A miracle of nature, adulterated a little by the human touch!"
Albert Einstein also said, "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

There are many people who come to Malta and they are happy to admit that when they come here, “ They cannot lay the egg they see, but they can at least taste it!” There is no harm in not knowing how to make things but to learn to appreciate them, even if they operate in winter and not in summer, like flowers in the spring!
So one must not treat Malta as existing for a particular purpose! Here we are existing as we are, all due to the past evolutionary states of universal turbulence and lately due to the turbulence of humans destroying most of our environment. That is Malta now, take it or leave it. It still retains much of the beauty it once had and we have not lost any of all our marvelous past history including unbelievable historic sites. I would not suggest that anyone visiting Malta will come here for entertainment attending the red areas as Paceville and other places, as that would be absolutely stupid to a level of describing Malta as "being mainly a summer destination!" rather than “ A unique place to visit and let one’s own imagination value the levels and the worth on sees!” What exists in Malta is purely the behavior of shaped organic and inorganic engineering stuff. How one values it depends solely on one’s own past and present mental state and how parents and schools programmed the diverse people who come to visit us. Some visitors bring to Malta a few “ human behavioral algorithms “ we could do without, others bring with them a beautiful fragrance which adds to our own.
Here is one bit of history in Malta that nowhere else on earth could match, and which is hardly ever visited by those who have been drugged into thinking that “Malta is mainly a summer destination!” Most of us here made it a full, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter destination, and we do not think that Malta exists for a purpose………or to give us rights………….we make our own aims, our own life purpose of existence, and most people create their own living, rights, and entertainment and not ask them of others, and that goes on through the year and not only through the summer to entertain those who think that Malta is a summer destination!
my ex is a maltese / english translator, copy writer and proof reader.
she's also a poet, voice artist, philosopher, nihilist, cynic and real-visceralist with a deep love for her island in the sun.

this could well be her work and it stirred up a bit of nostalgia.

great writing.
I taught a Japanese woman for a little bit who used to go to Malta every year as she loved it.

She worked the seedy Shinjuku nightlife when she was home. Turned-up for class one day drunk and made a move on me and I absolutely shit myself, ran to the train st. when it was over :rolleyes:

Also my mate’s Mum is Maltese, that’s where he and his sister get their good looks from. That’s my connection to Malta. Oh and an ex-gf’s Mum who was an absolute nutter lived there.
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