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Major Red Brigade arrests in Italy.


EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
Whilst some posters here are reminising about Bader Meinhof etc, here in Italy there is a bit of a return of the Red Brigades controversy. !15 arrests and, so it seems plans to bomb Sky Mediaset and the home of the much loved former PM Silvio B, as well as to murder the odd economist. Rather uninformative BBC link here.
Of course, it's worth noting that this coincides with a big demonstration on saturdayagainst the building of a large new American base 2 km from the centre of Vincenza.
Having said that those arrested have all declared themselves to be political prisoners suggests that they at least see don't see themselves as apolitical victims of a police trawl. Here's a Guardian link. Which also highlights the fact that this is a group with a pretty broad age range, quite a few of the 15 are in their 40's and 50's
And now it's major Red Brigade arrests in France:

That links says that it's not clear if they'll have to be extradited, French courts will have to decide.

I presume this is some kind of confidence building thing between Paris and Rome (aren't those two backing different factions in the Libyan civil war?)
I don't think this has much to do with Libya tbh.

I think this is Macron trying to appeal to the right-wing vote.

He won't go as far as arresting Polanski though.
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Don't think they'll extradite him (yet) he can appeal and keep this going for a while -- I hope!
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