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Lumiere London: 18-21 January 2018


The Cake of Liberty
Lumiere London is back. It's even bigger this time, with some events South of the river.

Loads of light installations, projections etc. All free, many streets being closed off to improve access.

Lumiere London is back! 18-21 January 2018

Really enjoyed the last one, 2 years ago. Hope this is as good.
I went to the Kings Cross stuff this evening.

Good: the underwater thing and the music/light grid installation at St Martins. They are quite old school rave, the first with blue lasers and dry ice and the second being a bit like a Winamp plugin transferred to 3D, but they're engaging. Also the giant anglepoise lamps are not in themselves incredible but it's funny how people interact with them.

Meh: the field of reflector flowers isn't as good as it could have been. There aren't enough of them, they're in rectangles so nothing feels very organic, and they're actually not very reflective. There was a wall of glowing lights nearer the station in the concourse by the Google offices that was also really forgettable. Nothing is very far away from anything else though so it's not like you waste your time checking things out.

Noted: it seems to have way more people trying to sell you pulled pork and craft beer nowadays, but that area has been yuppie commercial central for years now so it's not surprising that vendors have caught up.

They've learnt from the last one that putting things at ground level simply doesn't work because the crowds mean nobody can see them, which is good. Everything is up in the air or so huge you can always see. Not sure how this will work with the phonebooth fishtank though.
I went to the Kings Cross stuff this evening.

Good: the underwater thing and the music/light grid installation at St Martins. They are quite old school rave, the first with blue lasers and dry ice and the second being a bit like a Winamp plugin transferred to 3D, but they're engaging. Also the giant anglepoise lamps are not in themselves incredible but it's funny how people interact with them.

Meh: the field of reflector flowers isn't as good as it could have been. There aren't enough of them, they're in rectangles so nothing feels very organic, and they're actually not very reflective. There was a wall of glowing lights nearer the station in the concourse by the Google offices that was also really forgettable. Nothing is very far away from anything else though so it's not like you waste your time checking things out.

Noted: it seems to have way more people trying to sell you pulled pork and craft beer nowadays, but that area has been yuppie commercial central for years now so it's not surprising that vendors have caught up.

They've learnt from the last one that putting things at ground level simply doesn't work because the crowds mean nobody can see them, which is good. Everything is up in the air or so huge you can always see. Not sure how this will work with the phonebooth fishtank though.
How long did all the King’s cross stuff take to view please?
I’ve spent the last 2 and a half hours (with the aid of Google maps) working out an itinerary to see 24 installations.

45 mins on tubes trains
2 hours of viewing - 5 mins on average at each one (some will be quick glances, a bit of a play with the interactive ones and some longer stretches spent appreciating any lengthy light show projections or chill out pieces)
1:15 of walking.
1 hour in a pub

Hope it pans out. If so this will be genius planning.
We went last night and saw some of the Waterloo ones, plus some of the Westminster and West End ones. My favourites so far are The Wave - a tunnel of triangles that you can walk through, Childhood - the balloons in Trafalgar Square, Spectral - lots of flouro-string and UV lights looking like lasers, and Voyage - a projection on the side of Cafe Royal in Picadilly Circus, which uses the building to amazing effect. No real overcrowding and well organised so far.
The Wave is the final one on my itinerary.
So I’m really hoping my plan sticks to time.
There are a couple I can bypass to gain sometime if needs must.
Like the neon bench to sit and chat with randoms on near Bond Street.

Thought the balloons might be boring so surprised.
We went last night and saw some of the Waterloo ones, plus some of the Westminster and West End ones. My favourites so far are The Wave - a tunnel of triangles that you can walk through, Childhood - the balloons in Trafalgar Square, Spectral - lots of flouro-string and UV lights looking like lasers, and Voyage - a projection on the side of Cafe Royal in Picadilly Circus, which uses the building to amazing effect. No real overcrowding and well organised so far.
I made a detour to see Spectral based on your recommendation.
You owe me 10 minutes of time.

Be Faithful to your dreams by Tracy Emin.
She’s just phoning it in now ain’t she? Had a spare one and a half minutes to come up with that? Pathetic.

Gutted that I didn’t make it to Wave. My partner in crime wasn’t quite feeling the same urgency of my tight itinerary. The rainy start might have had a bit to do with that but more likely her laid back nature.
Went up to Kings X last night , it was pissing down but still huge crowds. Just did a flying visit , liked the purple wavy dry ice laser thing in Granary Sq.
Went up to Kings X last night , it was pissing down but still huge crowds. Just did a flying visit , liked the purple wavy dry ice laser thing in Granary Sq.
And it was blue.
How drunk or stoned were you that you’ve forgeten the colour?
I made a detour to see Spectral based on your recommendation.
You owe me 10 minutes of time.
Shock Horror - not everyone likes the same art!

I thought it was clever and beautiful.

Went back yesterday and saw a few more. I wasn't going to go to Kings Cross cos of the rain, but it stopped raining and I'm really glad I did. The one in Granary Square that marty21 mentioned was great, but the one called Aether was even better, relly powerful and mind-blowing effects just by projecting lights onto grids of rods.

Also it was a pleasure to be able to walk down the streets without any traffic.
I didn't get to see it all but there was some grand stuff in there (and some underwhelming stuff too)





In photos: Lumiere festival 2018 – lights and interactive installations around central London
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