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Lord Of The Rings Online (LOTRO) - any one else play?

I decided to give this a whirl seeing it's free to play

so far it's... ok

the big bonus for this game is setting and tone and it's not bad at doing what it does. it does indeed feel kinda like LOTR

i've got myself to level 8 and i've finished the opening area archet

overall it's nice but it feels a bit cheap and clunky...

the only other mmo i play (at the mo) is guild wars and that one feels a lot different. that one has more of an emthesis on graphics where as this one seems more focused on plot and story

i'm going to keep at it for a while but i was interested in what anyone else though
100 views and only one reply... i guess no fans here then

so far i'm enjoying it... there is enough variety in it that you can switch from a bit of exploring to a fetch quest to a bit of monster killing fairly easly

and thats before you even touch stuff like hobbies and crafting
I'd love to check it out, but know from experience that MMOs (and RPGs in general) would open a vortex through time and space that would spit me out the other end 3 months later with no SO, no life and and no self-esteem.
I played this a bit, I think there's an old thread of mine from when I started. The main good thing about it is that it's very pleasing for LOTR nerds, you get to feel like you're actually in the world, lots of stroking you with lore in-jokes,etc. I levelled up my hobbit hunter to about 17 and got to Bree, but then my interest paled and I went back to mount and blade, a sandbox game where you get to train peasants into armour clad killing machines to ride down your enemies plus assault castles and become king. No contest, really.
i'm on level 15 now...

i think i'm going to try to go for some more story based missions or short kill quests as a long day killing shit on the barrow downs has left me burnt out
Random, isn't that always the problem with franchised games like LOTR, that you're too constrained by previous story-lines and attendant expectations about what things should look and feek like? It's difficult to take that wish fulfilment and turn it into a good stand-alone concept.
i think the scale of middle earth combined with the detail of the world means that you can have huge areas which are true to the books yet not directly involved in the story

i mean at the moment i'm in bree selling stuff in the prancing pon wandering across the barrow down dodging wraiths (my level isn't high enough) and i've even talked to tom bombadil

it all very LOTR in feel yet not directly related to the story in the book this could easly be taking place just before or during the happenings in the fellowship
I didn't know anyone was still playing LOTRO. There was a flash of interest but I have to say that all the MMO types I know just said "oh it's basically WOW then" after a bit.
I didn't know anyone was still playing LOTRO. There was a flash of interest but I have to say that all the MMO types I know just said "oh it's basically WOW then" after a bit.

well it is basically WOW in terms of game play but then even if it's talking the same language it's telling a different story ...

plus it's free to play
Random, isn't that always the problem with franchised games like LOTR, that you're too constrained by previous story-lines and attendant expectations about what things should look and feek like? It's difficult to take that wish fulfilment and turn it into a good stand-alone concept.
No, what I said above was quite the opposite, that LOTRO met my fanboy expectations quite well and gave me a great feeling of actually being in middle earth. But itäs still a quest based game, based on basically doing missions for other people and thatäs what made me bored.
Seems quite good to me, but i like the setting and without that it would be pretty ordinary. Also free but you need to cough up dough for certain things. A fiver for example to open up the warden class. Playing a hobbit guardian seems quite fun.
Played it briefly a couple of years back. Sure i had to pay a subsciption at the time. :hmm:

It's basically wow but i got bored with it quicker than i did wow.
Played it briefly a couple of years back. Sure i had to pay a subsciption at the time. :hmm:

yeah they decided to switch to free to play a little while back along with D&D online which turbinme also runs

much more korean model of play... i really like it.. i've prob bunged £20 on it but thats to unlock some cool stuff and do stuff like remove the level cap and buy black dye
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