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Lolicon (Lolita Complex)

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It was a general point really - just that Lolita usually indicates "nonces in denial" sorta stuff.

(Eg whenever the word appears in the press, media etc, not just this case)
If a drawing shows the torture and lynching of a black man in a way that celebrates that torture and death, then it could be said to incite racial hatred.

If a drawing similarly shows the rape of a child, couldn't it (and more importantly the producers and consumers) be said to incite child hatred or child harm?

The idea that producing and distributing images of primary school kids being raped does not involve 'harming real children' is monstrously dangerous complacency. It doesn't necessarily cause harm but it certainly has the potential to help construct children as legitimate subjects of violent adult desires and normalise such desires in the minds of some adults.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

Kersher what is your response to this post; in particular where I have quoted you?

Louis MacNeice
Yep, the freedom to express child rape. You do know that the people who buy this shit use it for wank material, right?

Way to go, Japan! :thumbs:

Quite a few other threads on this.

So let them wank: they are not harming children
So let them wank: they are not harming children

The idea that producing and distributing images of primary school kids being raped does not involve 'harming real children' is monstrously dangerous complacency. It doesn't necessarily cause harm but it certainly has the potential to help construct children as legitimate subjects of violent adult desires and normalise such desires in the minds of some adults.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
The whole idea of having children depicted in any form that intentionally sets them up as sex objects disturbs me greatly. Because of this thread I did a search on lolicon, I didn't see anything there that did anything to stop me being so disturbed. I don't think that people being turned on by this imagery are automatically going to rape kids, in the same way that I don't think anyone watching any porn is automatically a rapist. But I am more bothered by the sexualisation, for adults' gratification, of children. Isn't it our responsibility as adults to ensure that children are allowed to be children and not seen as objects for our sexual gratification?
Kazuna picks one off the shelf - it features real images of a girl she says is five years old, wearing a skimpy swimsuit and posing in sexually suggestive positions that mimic adult pornography. All the other DVDs in the shop also feature real children.

That article doesn't bother to tell us what these "junior idol" videos actually contain, apart from the covers. Does anyone know? I'm not googling it.
Also, can we please not call it child porn or kiddie porn? It is a graphic depiction of children being abused and in some cases raped. Porn implies some element of consent. Thank you.
That's true of stuff involving real people. What about drawings?
Urban's changed in the right direction here. There was a woman called Itziko who registered with a posse of sockpuppets a few years ago to champion the rights of nonce doodle collectors, and she got a reasonable amount of support.
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