Keeping an eye on the car isn't exactly astronomers' most pressing concern, but a few have tried to calculate the fate of the vehicle, and whether it poses a threat to Earth.
In 2018, one paper did just this, finding that it has a
reasonable chance of hitting Earth eventually.
Looking at the car's orbit, and potential close encounters that could adjust its trajectory, the team calculated that the car has roughly a 22 percent probability of hitting Earth, a 12 percent chance of colliding with Venus, and about the same probability of hitting the Sun as hitting Venus. Fortunately for Musk, this will happen on a timescale of millions of years, and is unlikely to affect Tesla stock prices.
The car will make another
close approach in 2047 at about 5 million kilometers (3.1 million miles). Beyond 100 years, repeat close encounters with the planets make long-term predictions of the car's chaotic orbit "impossible".