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Linux login


Well-Known Member
My 10 year-old son has installed Linux Lite on an old laptop. He seems to have done this successfully, but when it boots he gets prompted for a Linux login. He hasn't set up a login, so how does he get past this?

Sounds like there's a default user. "linux"/no password seems to be possible by a quick search. But it's unclear tbh.
My 10 year-old son has installed Linux Lite on an old laptop. He seems to have done this successfully, but when it boots he gets prompted for a Linux login. He hasn't set up a login, so how does he get past this?

Find out which distro he's installed, and get back to us. They all have their standard default passwords.

Most distros, though, walk you through the creation of a user account in the process, so there might already be one, if he remembers what it was :)
His answer to that was "Linux Lite 1.3.9, I think not sure".

ETA is actually Linux Lite 3.8
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I've told him to fuck off to bed now. Although I didn't say fuck.

In case it just doesn't work...

Can anyone recommend an alternative distro?

I've told him he can have an extremely old laptop (15 years at least, running xp) because he watches YouTube tech videos and wants to install Linux on something.

So, one that's simple and will run well on old hardware.

ETA: he's also told me that the one he's installed will only actually boot up at all in safe mode.
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I've got Linux Mint running happily on a laptop that came with (as I recall) Vista. You specify your user name and password when setting it up.
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