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Legend of Zelda; Link to the Past - Any Tips?

Hearse Pileup

Horse Pickup, isle 5
I've just re-downloaded the ROM for use on my phone. I got pretty far before and am not looking forward to catching back up to where I was before (Second temple in dark world, I think?).

Any tips for getting back there fast?
Follow a walkthrough guide?

Yeah, I was following a walkthrough before, but I found it was pretty heavy going. I think it was aiming at 100% completion. As it's the second time I'm starting out I'm less inclined to do everything and was wondering if there were any recommendations on how best to progress through it.
Nah I'm asking what's worked out for people in their experiences of the game. It's my first time playing a Zelda title, and older games can have a tendancy to be a lot more difficult/unplayable without guides.

At the moment I'm just winging it and it's already feeling a little more fun than the first playthrough.

I'm looking to catch up to where I was without it feeling like drudgery
Honestly. You may as well follow a walkthrough. I completed this game on game boy when it first came out and although there are bits you can skip eventually you become stuck and have to find the something your missing or level up some other way. The walkthrough will be the quickest way ultimately to get back to where you got without then having to retread steps again that you’re trying to skip past. The older Zelda games are a bit more linear despite the open word than the modern titles.
Honestly. You may as well follow a walkthrough. I completed this game on game boy when it first came out and although there are bits you can skip eventually you become stuck and have to find the something your missing or level up some other way. The walkthrough will be the quickest way ultimately to get back to where you got without then having to retread steps again that you’re trying to skip past. The older Zelda games are a bit more linear despite the open word than the modern titles.

Ahh fair enough. I'll give it a shot. Do you think maybe ocarina of time is a better introduction? It's the one everyone I know has mentioned.
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