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Hasn't Cllr Peck been "upgraded" to use Cyberman speak? (sorry shouldn't have gone to 2 Doctor Who Proms this year!)

Well Pete Robbins had to be ORDERED to LEAVE as he was so power hungry, (like a child he said I'm not going) Labour party HQ told him he has to as he has no choice in the matter.

John Brewster is back at the helm apparently it is now official he is employed by Lambeth clienting team under the legendary Rachel Sharpe... looks like they cant get rid of him.
He is now supposed to be running Loughborough Estate from a distance. I wonder if the plans to sell off Loughborough Estate are still afoot, they seem very keen to not let us go.

LEMB is now in the final stages of it's Arbitration... but form what I heard Lambeth are still playing dirty and wont pay their half of the arbitration fee.... (both sides are supposed to pay half)
now this can only come from the top the councillors must have agreed to this sort of thing.. or have they no control over their officers...

Cllr Rachel Heywood has yet again spurned Loughborough Estate and set a precedent with the Guinness trust fiasco in Somerlayton Road, Co-operative council NOT. I wonder why she was attacked!

The community is under attack from our own Councillors, who are they truly representing?

"The London Borough of Lambeth isn’t just any council. It is, in fact, the flagship council for the “Co-operative Councils Network”, which is a Labour Party attempt to recapture that happy, fluffy, un-authoritarian rhetoric that a combination of Gordon Brown’s Stalinist image and the Tories’ “Big Society” PR offensive stole from them."

Co-operative Councils are going to create a “partnership of equals that leads to genuine cooperation between providers and the people they serve.”

George Galloway – between “insertions” – say of Reed: “He could never stand for Parliament for Lambeth... [because] the arrogant way in which he has run the council is legendary”? Turns out, on that score, Galloway is not totally full of shit, as Lambeth’s “shortlife” residents – who are being evicted from their homes of 30 years so that the council can cash in

Residents have drawn up plans for a “super co-op”, uniting the existing co-operatives, making residents council tenants and renovating properties so that they can be returned to the council’s overstretched housing stock – exactly the kind of thing that Steve Reed has been evangelising about, saying, “When tenants are in control, services improve faster.” Unfortunately, the “co-operative council” hasn’t really considered it at all.

Creating Libel out of TRUTH...
A Little bit of light relief here on Loughborough estate, it appears that Lambeth has lost the 1st stage of the Arbitration process with the Arbitrator stating that Lambeth must pay all costs incurred up to date incurred by the arbitration.. This is good news for Loughborough, but one wonders how Co-Op Lambeth will now try to spin the situation. John Brewster CEO of the legendary URH is now employed by Lambeth to manage/client Loughborough estate from a distance... so it looks like he's still orchestrating things from behind the lines with the approval of elite Local Ward Cllrs.

Meanwhile Lambeth is still attempting to make money from Cressingham Gardens!!, another Dick Shepard build by the park I've heard!! but lets see, as the local newly elected Cllr has said they have no plans! as yet, but they do if you read into what she has said, they have a strategy of selling and reinvesting the MONEY.. with plans soon to follow, I wonder why Lambeth cannot get things so quickly done when it involves tenants, but when it involves business its like done yesterday!

So there you have it Loughborough EMB has won the first stage of its Arbitration against Lambeth the Uncooperative council.

The Uncooperative Council Cllr who reads this may feel slightly guilty NOT about the decision of the arbitrator, but since they have not supported Loughborough and support Ex URH CEO and their vision to sell off Loughborough and have its run by Ex URH CEO and then threaten residents free voice to challenge them and play games with her constituents (ooh I'm working really hard NOT)

Its not too much to ask is it? its a co-operative Council NOT, surely they want the truth to be heard, they can lose 6.5 Million or so on heating, a few million here and there on building project and another few million went up in **** and that is called looking after the PUBLIC PURSE of our money!!!


lets see how hard Cllr Rachel Heywood and co are willing to work for the largest estate in Lambeth and it's constituents.
Lets see how they give residents a co-operative voice.
Lets see how they show us how, they act and defend us.

Creating Libel out of TRUTH...
A Little bit of light relief here on Loughborough estate, it appears that Lambeth has lost the 1st stage of the Arbitration process with the Arbitrator stating that Lambeth must pay all costs incurred up to date incurred by the arbitration

Good news :)

Meanwhile Lambeth is still attempting to make money from Cressingham Gardens!!, another Dick Shepard build by the park I've heard!! but lets see, as the local newly elected Cllr has said they have no plans! as yet, but they do if you read into what she has said, they have a strategy of selling and reinvesting the MONEY..
Of course they have plans.....they just haven't written them down yet. Cressingham and loads of other estates around Lambeth are at risk IMO. The council see them as cash cows, which they can sell to developers for profit, with minimal 'affordable' housing and no social housing. You're right that their housing/sell-off strategy is very clear. Once we get rid of all the poor people we might even be able to reduce the council tax!

I wonder why Lambeth cannot get things so quickly done when it involves tenants, but when it involves business its like done yesterday!
hmmm, i wonder!
Still no word of when we will receive support from our local C0-OP Councillors???

As far as I am aware Co-Op Lambeth Councillors



COUNCILLORS are supposed to REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENTS (supposedly by listening and acting to the constituents wishes/behalf on issues that affect them)



Co-Op COUNCILLORS are no more QUALIFIED to represent the community than any other member of the PUBLIC who places themselves for PUBLIC OFFICE (they have no special certificate or qualification for this position apart from a believed concept that they want and desire to serve the community they represent)

As a Co-Op Lambeth is owned by the people, Are the duly elected Co-Op representatives representing??

So where is the support Loughborough Estate expects from our Local Co-Op Councillors,
Why so SILENT, who do you/they represent??

Creating Libel out of TRUTH...
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Just received this un-tasty bit of news.... a special unwanted visitor was spotted prowling around Loughborough estate last night.

John Brewster ex CEO of URH was seen walking around on Loughborough Estate last night, as to why he was on Loughborough estate at around 9pm on a Sunday night remains to be commented on.

Maybe he was hunting a few rats or maybe he was measuring up a new office for himself?

Creating Libel out of TRUTH...
Just received this un-tasty bit of news.... a special unwanted visitor was spotted prowling around Loughborough estate last night.

John Brewster ex CEO of URH was seen walking around on Loughborough Estate last night, as to why he was on Loughborough estate at around 9pm on a Sunday night remains to be commented on.

Maybe he was hunting a few rats or maybe he was measuring up a new office for himself?

Creating Libel out of TRUTH...

I've finally received a picture currently doing the rounds, apparently John Brewster was in the office for some time, perhaps it was a Sunday evening tiffing session...

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Whats all the FUSS about...

Loughborough Estate Management Board has won it's 3 year case with Lambeth to pay costs. :thumbs:

Why I hear you ask...
Well plain and simply LEMB were not insolvent as Lambeth councillors & Directors so strongly argued!

This raises questions about the now defunct United Residents Housing (URH), The local Councillor Ms Haywood has nothing to say, an election year is speedily approaching I suppose and sorry is not in her vocabulary.

See the attached document for more meanderings from Lambeth about their mismanagement! around the uncooperative council and how they really chuck your money away, always looking to make a quick gamble with our money, after all they have loads of experience. FAIL

PS: Just heard that Lambeth councillors will be discussing the linked report on Thursday 25th Sept 7pm at the town hall Corporate Committee.

Real meaty resignation stuff here
: spoiler HMRC are now involved.

Read document here ---->
Or Here: LEMB Corporate committee 25_9_14 update.pdf


  • LEMB Corporate committee 25_9_14 update.pdf
    69.9 KB · Views: 61
Is it not odd that URH / Mr Brewster has not been held accountable for his actions.
Under billing Leaseholder by £1m
Employing friends without any process at stupidly high salaries.
Bogus flights and hotel bills.
False accounting and failing to produce audited accounts.
Fabricating evidence to get staff dismissed.
lying in Board reports.
The Rouple Park Housing manager was unfairly dismissed and won his tribunal case.
Stealing computers which were given to LEMB by a contractor for community use.
falsifying personnel documents to make it look like a transfer had taken place.
Lying about his qualification.
and........ what about the URH board member who was a recruitment consultant who had Brewster on the books.

Even though Brewster was rejected at the first stage of recruiting a CEO.
Brewster was then recruited without process at the behest of 3 URH Board members one of whom was the recruitment consultant and the other an old friend from Roupel Park.

Then Roupel Park paid said recruitment consultant thousands of pounds as a finders fee. This was then recharged to URH but the Manger at Rouple highlighted it and was framed and then sacked ( overturned at ET and false reported to Lambeth).
On he very day the evidence packs in the ET case were disclosed the recruitment consultant resigned from URL Board and when back to his homeland it is alleged.

Funny that!

why did Lambeth Council cover this up?
Why did Housing Services not check or take URH to task when the clearly knew what was going on?
How far does this conspiracy go up?

Well done LEMB for sticking with it

the TRUTH will out.
Lambeth has been ordered to pay costs, which is tantamount to saying your right LEMB, Lambeth has not been able to prove that LEMB has done any wrong, school of hard knocks "we told you so". Lambeth still using play of words.

Nothing has been said about the £1mil plus that has gone missing whilst Lambeth and it's agent URH were in control of the finances.

A Continuation Ballot is taking place on Loughborough Estate which Lambeth are trying to undermine and disrupt.. (Cressingham Gdns comes to mind "We promise we wont sell the land, but Shhhh we might lease it hoHoho").

Full update to come as i get more information of the co-ops plans to undermine and destroy our estate.

Critical Critical Critical
One thing is for sure. You can not trust Lambeth Council.

They do not want TMOs Fact!

They can not control you or manipulate you into their master plan. TMO's are a pain in their backside and would like nowt more than to change the legislation to take away residents right to manage.
They lie and conspire against TMO's to make them look bad. Just look at what happened with the LEMB, they were chugging along nicely improving things and had a plan to invest in the homes.
The investment came and homes were improved but Lambeth Housing insisted that URH had to help manage them. Along came Mr Brewster who took that as a right to manage and take full control, disregard the LEMB Board and do all it could to discredit them. All the while he was spend money he did not have on his friends and on Hotels rooms at fictional conferences where he was doing who know what, with we know who!!!
Writing false board reports and employing very dodgy accounts to mix up 3 sets pf accounts then manipulate each set to account double or even treble hiding the fact they URH were grossly overspending and not improving services. When the crap hit the fan due to a whistle blower in URH, Brewster then said he had nothibg to do with LEMB and they were managing themselves ( Yeah Right).

The thing is Lambeth decided to take Brewster's side and send in Lambeth Living to take over, but the their credit LEMB decided to fight ( Lambeth did not expect this) and LEMB won.

So its true URH over spent by millions and under billed by millions and lied to Council and sacked staff because they told the truth and Brewster gets a massive pay off and the Council sweep it under the carpet.

One thing is for sure. You can not trust Lambeth Council.

They do not want TMOs Fact!

They can not control you or manipulate you into their master plan. TMO's are a pain in their backside and would like nowt more than to change the legislation to take away residents right to manage.
They lie and conspire against TMO's to make them look bad. Just look at what happened with the LEMB, they were chugging along nicely improving things and had a plan to invest in the homes.<snip>
Thanks for that - it's confirmed my hunch (and initial impression) that changing over to a TMO would certainly be one of the better options for people living on a council estate not a million miles away from here.
So Lambeth Living Asset Director and Property Director Ola Akinfi has been sacked.

I'm not suggesting for one minute this has anything to do with the 6 members of the his old team in Newham who have been suspended as part of a fraud investigation in to procurement of planned works.

I doubt that the " supply chain management group " which Ola insisted Lambeth use has any relevance either.

funny how Ola just disappeared without even an email to the rest of Lambeth Living staff members to say hes gone don't you think?

carpet swept comes to mind.

start looking at the LHS works any one remember ( Alex Watson Jones)?????

please share
So Lambeth Living Asset Director and Property Director Ola Akinfi has been sacked.

I'm not suggesting for one minute this has anything to do with the 6 members of the his old team in Newham who have been suspended as part of a fraud investigation in to procurement of planned works.

I doubt that the " supply chain management group " which Ola insisted Lambeth use has any relevance either.

funny how Ola just disappeared without even an email to the rest of Lambeth Living staff members to say hes gone don't you think?

carpet swept comes to mind.

start looking at the LHS works any one remember ( Alex Watson Jones)?????

please share
Surely not this Ola Akinfi? You could not get a more glowing testimony - endorsed by Rt Hon Keith Hill himself!
Yep that's the man himself. who follows Neil Litherland around like lost puppy.
ask yourself this is Lambeth Housing any better today than it was 2 years ago?
They have spent around £200m on what? its a disgrace.
Operation RUBY Operation Ruby......
look at where the money went.

Newham David Thompson, Newham Paul Munday, Newham Ola Akinfki, Neil Litherland what links them all (Supply chain network) or yeah and they employed each other. ( Coincidence???? )

Ola Akinfi left Lambeth Living on the 12th December without notice.
Nothing on their website and I emailed him and got the reply " i no longer work for Lambeth Living"

this is a bit strange don't you think?

the self proclaimed savoir of the Lambeth Housing standard.
the amazing value for money contracts that recently let.
the amazing standard of work that has been delivered.

funny that a investigation into his last directorship is gaining momentum with Staff being suspended pending.
I doubt that had anything to do with him leaving Lambert Living a all.
I wounder how all the good honest hard working members of his team who he got rid of because they were too honest now feel.

Operation Ruby Operation Ruby alert!
Ola Akinfi left Lambeth Living on the 12th December without notice.
Nothing on their website and I emailed him and got the reply " i no longer work for Lambeth Living"

this is a bit strange don't you think?

the self proclaimed savoir of the Lambeth Housing standard.
the amazing value for money contracts that recently let.
the amazing standard of work that has been delivered.

funny that a investigation into his last directorship is gaining momentum with Staff being suspended pending.
I doubt that had anything to do with him leaving Lambert Living a all.
I wounder how all the good honest hard working members of his team who he got rid of because they were too honest now feel.

Operation Ruby Operation Ruby alert!
Some juicy looking posts on this "Restricted" chart.
Ola must have been on greater than PO9 since a number of people on PO9 report to him. I'm fascinated with how bureaucracy has progressed since the "good old days" of Lambeth Homes.
Ola was on a undisclosed grade higher than SMG3
arrrrgh Lambeth Homes them were the days!
£75,000+ minimum then.

Re Lambeth Homes it always fascinated me that Jim Wintour, Lambeth Homes CEO in the mid 1990s was from a family of illustrious jourmalists: Anna Wintour (US Vogue editor), Charles Wintour - Evening Standard editor when it was paid for, and Patrick Wintour still of the Grauniad.
Yes Jim was a strange bloke no nonsense. He would listen to you make his decision then order it to be done,

funny thing was my farther worked for his farther Charlie on the Evening Standard.

He seemed to know his stuff made the right decisions for the right reasons backed his staff when they needed backing and gave them hell when they deserved it.

I'd say £90k + benefits
This is fantastic news and a great endorsement for the LEMB.
The whistle Blowers at URH are now well and truly vindicated. I take it the finalisation is the faincail position and how much money URH owe LEMB.
I also see that another "rat" leaves the Lambeth sinking ship before the sh@t hit the fan. The missing money and URH can not be swept under the carpet for much longer as people keep tripping over the bump.

I would like to see the report and name names of the people who caused this mess. I know two names that would top the list. Both are no longer working for URH or Lambeth.

Well done again LEMB you kept the faith
Resounding Endorsement for Estate Management Boards.

I'm convinced that Lambeth wanted to get away from EMBs and why not start with the biggest. I could never understand how Lambeth allowed URH to get away with what there were doing to LEMB even though Lambeth were told many times that things were wrong.

Could it have been the plan all along to have URH run LEMB into to ground then blame the board ( which kinda never existed while URH ran the show)?

Well if that was the plan it's all back fired. Angain I say well done LEMB for fighting for your right to manage. For keeping the faith and allowing justice to prevail.

Now all you need is to get your money back which URH withheld and you are back on the road to delivering the services Lambeth Residebts deserve.

It must also be said that to win a case like this at arbitration is no easy feat, Lambeth would have spent a fortune trying to defend the indefensible. LEMB on a shoe string won their case ( David v Goliath). My respect goes to the LEMB board and all the people involved who Kept the faith and saw this trough to the end.

You are a credit to your community.

Well done all and shame on you Lambeth, lambeth Living and United Residents Housing, shame on you.
Did I mention that Ola left Lambeth Living without notice and has a protected settlement Agreement in place so he's not going to accountable for mess he caused on the Lambeth Housing Standard or the very many many employment claims the Council will now face for his actions.

John Brewster has also left the councils employment with a nice payoff no doubt and settlement agreement. I bet it includes a clause where he's not allowed to discus URH business ( unless criminal action is taken) now there's a thought.

Barbra Grant who was responsible to client URH has also left the council.

Not many people left who can answer the very difficult questions of what happened and why and where is that, alleged missing millions?

It's also very easy now to blame these people when they are no longer available to defend or accept their responsibilities.

Hold one moment the elected Councilors are still around maybe they could answer?

Now there a thought!
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