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Left pickled herring jars out for a couple of days, will I die ?


The In Kraut
I bought two jars of pickled herring on Friday at Lidl and realised this morning that I probably should have put them in the fridge because they were refrigerated in the store. Best before date says February 2016 and I haven't opened the jars and put them in the fridge this morning. Was going to dazzle my friend, who is coming round later, with a German beetroot and herring salad. The nearest Lidl isn't close and I went all the way there just for the pickled fish. Will I kill us both if I use the fish ?
your mortality unaffected by this unless your friend goes ballistic and in a fit of homicidal rage does you in by forcing pickled herring down your throat faster than you can swallow it.
Yes, you will die a horrible death, because pickled herrings are disgusting.

(In seriousness, anything pickled in vinegar will probably outlive cockroaches, if you don't eat it just leave it on the counter as it may come in handy for post-nuclear war survivors at some point a couple of centuries from now. Yes I have been playing Fallout 4).
So I made he beet & herring salad. It looked really tasty, I was really hungry and I ate it all before my friend gets here. Now I have no food to offer but at least I won't take anybody to the grave with me.

At least that's how I post-rationalise it.
Reminds me of when Nicholas Evans poisoned himself and his wife by eating misidentified mushrooms - he said how glad he was that his kids didn't want any as they would surely have died. He 'only' requires dialysis for the rest of his life.

Good luck Reno :thumbs:
So did you do the obvious things and check whether it says "keep refrigerated" on the label?

Sometimes supermarkets display things on refrigerated shelves for reasons other than refrigerating the product.
Sometimes supermarkets display things on refrigerated shelves for reasons other than refrigerating the product.
OTOH they never seem to display eggs in refrigerators but the advice on the box is "Keep refrigerated". What a crazy world we live in.
Show no weakness. Pretend that you always meant to do this with your herring, and as people have probably already begun to mutter their doubts about you, go one step further and bury the thing - drained - in the back yard until Spring. This Spring or any. Then, dig and consume. Hurray for my DIY surstromming, you'll proclaim, having successfully styled it out, and retake all the man points for subsequent chiselling into your headstone.
I have some pickled herring in a tub with a best before date of 02/04/2017. To eat or not eat? It's been in the fridge since I got it if that makes any difference.
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