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Lambeth attempts to cancel Cannabis Festival

Mr BC said:
If the festival were to restrict itself to campaigning for a change in the law, there wouldn't be a problem for most other councillors either. The difficulty is that the festival effectively results in wholesale breaches of the existing law, which makes many feel uncomfortable.

The Lambeth County Show isn't exactly perfectly law abiding is it either though? The scenes around the main stage of the LCS could also constitute 'wholesale breaches of the law,' especially when a couple of the chosen acts over the last few years have certainly encouraged the crowd to spark up less than legal substances.

I'm also a bit unsure what you'd regard an acceptable fee for the organisers to pay either. Are you suggesting that the Cannabis Festival crew should pay the same amount as a commercial event, despite being a non-profit making organisation with no significant corporate backing. It remains a campaigning festival after all, not a great commercial opportunity for all concerned.

I'm a bit disturbed by the apparent double standards inherent in this council approach...
Brixton Hatter said:
well it looks like the council are simply trying to pre-empt an application by saying "no" in advance!

That's not usual is it?

In advance of an actual licence hearing? Surely its illegal? :mad:

Would like more information -- maybe Jezza's lawyer-contact can help.
Mr BC said:
I, personally, don't have a problem with the festival going ahead, so long as the organisers pay the same commercial fee any similar event would warrant.

Red Jezza said:
bearing in mind it's a not-for profit, campaigning event, why should it be lumbered with the commercial fee?,
and there has been 'this problem' for as many jaydays as I can remember-so why has it only become a problem now?

I second RJ's questions ... :mad:
Red Jezza said:
bearing in mind it's a not-for profit, campaigning event, why should it be lumbered with the commercial fee?
and there has been 'this problem' for as many jaydays as I can remember-so why has it only become a problem now?

We went round this course last year. Discounts are available for events raising funds for charities or community causes. This is a self-confessed political, campaigning event.
and tarannau's bang on the money re; the county show. by the performance stage, you only had to breathe in deeply and you didn't give a shit about the rest of the weekend....
Mr BC said:
We went round this course last year. Discounts are available for events raising funds for charities or community causes. This is a self-confessed political, campaigning event.

What other campaigning, political events have there been in Brockwell park opver the years? What have they been charged at in the past?

Equally, would you suggest that a popular campaigning event should be charged anywhere near the same rate as a commercial organisation for the use of the park?
Red Jezza said:
and tarannau's bang on the money re; the county show. by the performance stage, you only had to breathe in deeply and you didn't give a shit about the rest of the weekend....

That might be the case. The difference is the attitude of the organisers to the activity. The Council doesn't condone drug taking at the Country Show, whilst the coalition does condone it at the festival.
given the absolutely zero impact the attitude of either set of 'organisers' had on the, umm, recreational habits of punters at both events (a v similar crowd) that's a bit of an irrelevant distinction to draw, isn't it?
Mr BC said:
We went round this course last year. Discounts are available for events raising funds for charities or community causes. This is a self-confessed political, campaigning event.
but this is also a community cause, as the organisers presumably feel the 'community' would benefit! and what on earth is the difference between a 'campaigning cause' and a 'community cause'?
Mr BC said:
That might be the case. The difference is the attitude of the organisers to the activity. The Council doesn't condone drug taking at the Country Show, whilst the coalition does condone it at the festival.

Actually some of the council's choice of acts at the LCS last year were far more vocal about their support for the use of weed than any of the artists that appeared at the Cannabis Festival. Did you check out the acts Bob?

Bit unfortunate that, especially when the council seem to be trying to position themselves hurriedly on the moral/legal high ground this year...
Apparently this decision was made by the council "executive"/cabinet last week, ie these people:

Cllr Peter Truesdale ptruesdale@lambeth.gov.uk
Cllr John Whelan jwhelan@lambeth.gov.uk
Cllr Clare Whelan cwhelan@lambeth.gov.uk
Cllr Andrew Sawdon asawdon@lambeth.gov.uk
Cllr Anthony Bottrall abottrall@lambeth.gov.uk
Cllr Ashley Lumsden alumsden@lambeth.gov.uk
Cllr Keith Fitchett councillor@fitchett.net
Cllr Roger Giess rgiess@lambeth.gov.uk
(all Lib Dem except J & C Whelan (Con):

The politics?

Why was this decision made secretly behind closed doors instead of by the usual method of an open licensing committee meeting? Who presented evidence? Who was behind this decision - ie who tabled it?

It can be seen that there is a clear majority of Lib Dems on the executive but this disguises the fact that they are dependent on the handful of Conservative councillors for a working majority over Labour in the full council. My guess is that once again the Lib Dems are allowing the Conservatives to do a bit of headline grabbing and toadying to Conservative Central Office (and the Evening Standard/Daily Mail) in retuirn for getting their loyalty on more serious matters such as the budget and other important policies.
You really do have to ask if this is either in line with national Lib Dem policy, or even with the Whelans protestations (from last year) that they *personally* have nothing against cannabis campaigning. Isn't it likely that this is n othing more than pathetic electioneering and empty attention-grabbing for the benefit of Conservative Central Office by the Whelans? What else exaplins the last 180 degree u-turn in "principles" and "morality" by the executive - or are they really claiming that 2004 was unique in what happened, to the extent that the event must be banned?

The exectuive is way out of line with what the people of Lambeth think about this event, they are way out of line with what Lambeth police and other blue light services think - they are even out of line with what the majority of Labour and Lib Dem councillors think about this festival - which is prescisely why they have smuggled it secretly through the executive rather than having it discussed and voted on in an open committee.

Errors in The Press Release

The press statement says that these accusations were discussed with the organisers. This isn't true. There was no effort made to talk to the organisers before this decision, and these issues were not raised in the licensing committee or by the parks department last year. Nor were they raised by Lambeth police after the event. The organisers were not even consulted or informed before this press release was sent out.

When the council mention "cannabis use and drug pushing - both of which have taken place at a previous festival" and that "council officers monitoring the event in the past were approached by drug dealers who offered them drugs" - the council should be able to produce actual records of this. In the past when they have made accusations their officers' note books have gone missing when a court has required them to be produced. I wonder if this would happen again if they were required to back up these lastest claims. What documented evidence do they actually have or does it consist of gossip and their own imaginations? Have they spoken to the police officer in charge of policing the events last year and in previous years? Can they actually show that more illegality occured at the festival than in any other simliarly sized crowd on a saturday afternoon in London? In fact they would find that there was less crime in Brockwell Park than could be statistically expected, if they actually did bother talking to Lambeth police about it. In other words they are liars (aka politicians).

They claim that "numerous complaints from local people who have been harassed by drug dealers." Well how many complaints were received? I have heard that there were 4 last year. This is a tiny number, and far less than the number of local people and organisations who have supported and praised the the event. Futhermore some people are on record that they would make a complaint against the event *on principle* becuase they disagreed with the campaign - ie malicious complaints - although it is impossible to say if complaints were or not, especially if the council refuses to discuss these complaints with the organisers or disclose any details about them to the public. Again, the council must be expected to back up their accusations with hard evidence. The Freedom of Information Act will hopefully enable this to happen and full disclosure of their records to occur.

They mention "many reports of people taking drugs". How many "reports" were received? And did the council pass these reports on to the police?

"These issued have been raised with the event organisers." Again - when were these raised? Dates please Mr Truesdale!

They say: "We do not feel confident that the Cannabis Coalition will be able to prevent such incidents occuring again" It is worth pointing out that there was a large police presence at the 2004 festival. What actions are the council saying the organisers should have taken, above and beyond what the police did on the day? Why did the council's witnesses not report any dealing to the police? If they did, what action did they police take and why? In fact, what view did the police take on how the event went? Are Lambeth council saying that the policing of the event was unsatisfactory?

The most disgusting part of the press release for me is where it implies that the festival is "being used to support illegal activity". Are they claiming that the event organisers are 'supporting' drug dealing? I was involved with the 2004 event, I have no type of criminal record or involvement with crime whatsoever, and as such I feel *disgusted* that Lambeth council can make this kind of comment and implication. If anyone is presiding over a corrupt system that sees millions of pounds of people's money snaffled then its those muppets in the town hall and all their private consultancy friends they over-pay to fiddle while the borough 'burns'. :mad:
hendo said:
For the record - have the Cannabis festival people always cleared up the park following the event?
Yes they have. The deposit paid to the council is dependent on a full clean-up and no damage to the park. An inspection is made in the week following the event. They have got the deposit back every year, including 2004.
...furthermore, I was a steward last year and ANYONE who implies I am engaged in criminal activity of any sort gets their ass sued off
Brixton Hatter said:
fucking wankers. :mad: They've been trying to get rid of it for years.

IIRC they can't stop the march - just the festy in the park. So we should do the march, end up in the park, and have our own party with beers, picnics, drums, flags etc etc - fuck em.

For the record, The march / demo is going ahead as planned. The license from the council only impacts on if there will be an organised festival with music/food/bars/stalls/debates/kids play areas etc.

People will entirely free to enjoy themselves in Brockwell Park as they see fit at the end of the march. A big picnic and diy entertainment seem logical and likely.
there is a campaign meeting tomorrow at noon where plans will be made; PM shaneC for details, or possibly TeeJay - that cool with you, TeeJay?
btw, I am informed that at least one member of the council executive is registered to post here. PM me if you want disclosure
There is a festival meeting tomorrow (ie Friday) to work out where this leaves things, and what action should be taken next. Contact details for ShaneC can be found at the website http://www.thecannabisfestival.co.uk under Contacts > Offers of Help/Press Enquiries. He will have more details than me, but I am more likely to be here on urban75, and I will try and report back after the meeting on Friday and answer any questions posted here if I can.

Edit: Have just confirmed the meeting venue - PM me for more info.
remember folks, shane's also a registered U75er. I'd forward the relevant PM but don't wanna do so without his say-so
Justin said:
Indeed. Did they contact the organisers at any point and express their concerns?
As far as I understand (I will confirm this tomorrow) this press release was the first anyone heard about this. It was only by hearing a word-of-mouth rumour that the organisers knew about the press release. Having said that, there was a comment about "dealers" mentioning the festival by a councillor at a full council meeting before Xmas - I think there is a thread about it somewhere - but no contact with the organisers or even the press.
Justin said:
Forget Old Labour, can we have the old Liberals back?
Indeed, I hope people are paying attention to this kind of shit when they talking about voting for the Lib Dems in the elections.

Can you imagine if there was a hung parliament? Would the Lib Dems in fact be more likely to crawl into bed with the Conservatives than Labour? Because based on their track record in Lambeth that's exactly what they want to do - showing their true colours under all this "we are more left than labour" and "we are libertarian"... yeah like f**k you are! :rolleyes:
I gotta go offline now - but to repeat, if anyone wants to know which member of the lambeth executive is an (occasional) U75 poster, PM me, Justin, Aurora Green or IntoStella.
We are NOT taking this shit!!!! :mad: :mad:
Good luck everybody. If I can help I will. PM me any time.

Meanwhile, I have posted the text of the Lambeth Press Release and of TeeJay's response to it, on EFestivals, and I hope the Webmaster of that popular Festival website will flag up as a news item.
Mr BC said:
That might be the case. The difference is the attitude of the organisers to the activity. The Council doesn't condone drug taking at the Country Show, whilst the coalition does condone it at the festival.
hold on, there's a difference between saying 'let's change the law', and saying 'hey everyone, get skinning up NOW!"
exactly - when have the organisers ever said "you must smoke pot when you come to the festy, we want you to smoke pot, everybody must get stoned!" ??

And anyway, even if they did do this, there is a long tradition of law-breaking and civil disobedience preceding changes in the law - from the suffragettes to the civil rights movement. When pot is finally legalised, we'll wonder what all the fuss was about!

If we were hunting foxes, it'd be ok......
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