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Lakefest - anyone been?

Yeah I’m not quite sure of her connection tbh. Whether it was her or her ex (her lads father) or his brothers cousins girlfriend. All I know is she was there at the start, can seemingly get unlimited tickets, and urges me to go every year :D Lovely woman. She’s got my dog Howard at the mo as I’m in the US.

Have you been? I really genuinely might go next year. See sojourner
I've never been cause the line-up is never really my thing, although if you can swing an urban free ticket bonanza next year I'd be up for it. :D
It was Posh. As. Fuck.

Sooo many chairs (honestly, none of the fuckers stood up at all), children, dogs and Tories. As I mentioned on FB, I got the shit-on-my-shoe look whenever I tried to chat to anyone who wasn't part of the Something Else tea tent. We had lovely neighbours in artist camping but the punters were not fond of us. The dance tent was like a fucking wedding on the Friday night - kids running round everywhere, no one actually raving at all, just dad dancing a bit and talking, loudly. That changed with the arrival of other ravers on the Saturday, and we felt less like lepers then. Most of the bands were pedestrian at best, aurally offensive at worst. Leftfield were shambolic, tons of filler, a bit of killer, and a proper let down. We saw them about 10 years ago at Beatherder and they rocked the place. Said at the end of the Lakefest set that they were out of practice. Fucking rehearse then, like every fucker else!

To top it all off, there was an army recruitment stand, in the play area :eek: The canopy may have been removed and err, relocated, overnight by parties unknown. We'll never know for sure.

Big plus was not dying of heatstroke on stage tbh. It was also a beautiful site, we saw 3 shooting stars, that big old moon and Saturn, and had a grand time in our little bubble of good people. Don't think the Tea Tent will be invited back though!

-5/10 - would not recommend.

Can kind of see from all that why they weren't arsed, tbf :D
I've come to the conclusion that the world - and certainly the world of ex-ravers - is much smaller than we suspect. Ex ravers are never more than a connection or two away from each other.
Absolutely this. See also performers - I'm still amazed at the huge amount of mutual friends I have with any other performer I happen to make FB pals with.
I've never been cause the line-up is never really my thing, although if you can swing an urban free ticket bonanza next year I'd be up for it. :D
It's ALWAYS been about the party more than the line up (which is eclectic as fuck these days anyway). Plus, the Toiltrees are a pretty special place, birth of the whole thing. The Perfumed Garden always has a cracking line up, and is the most welcoming tent on site.
It's ALWAYS been about the party more than the line up. Plus, the Toiltrees are a pretty special place, birth of the whole thing. The Perfumed Garden always has a cracking line up anyway, and the most welcoming tent on site.
Everyone I know goes and they love it, but I can only afford one festival a year (if that) and 24 hour partying isn't totally my thing anymore...
Everyone I know goes and they love it, but I can only afford one festival a year (if that) and 24 hour partying isn't totally my thing anymore...
Well there's ways and means of doing it for free, but somehow I can't see you in a hi-viz or digging nos canisters out of the dirt for a week ;)

I'm very sensible myself these days. I eat at least once a day and get a full 4 hours kip!
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