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Please delete if this isn't allowed editor but I'm doing an end of year listeners questions episode for the podcast and it would be great if people sent their questions in. I don't know how many people actually listen to the podcast on here though :)
I'll be interviewing some Palestinian entomologists next week for the podcast if anyone's interested, will stick the link up when it's out :eek:
Yes please.

I saw this lovely picture of a ladybird on twitter and thought of you.


From this account https://twitter.com/TimothyJonas
There's one trapped inside one of the noticeboards in the park :(
No one on the FB group managed to arrange to have it released, so I may take a hex key tomorrow as it was still alive yesterday - I can't imagine what it's eating in there - it must be hungry if it's only recently emerged from hibernation ...
I had several attempts at bringing up some ladybird larvae last year - bought online as tiny things and introduced to various plants where they were invited to eat as many aphids as they fancied.

Watched a proportion of them grow up into quite big larvae but never really saw any of them become full ladybirds. I don't know if that's because they never made it, or just flew off as soon as they could.

That was partly a lockdown distraction, but maybe I'll try again this summer.
In the middle of writing an episode about the harlequin ladybird, it's taking me at least 2 pages to get through just describing what the different forms look like. :D
I had no idea that there were 47 varieties of Ladybugs ... having seen only a few versions. But I like them, especially as they eat huge numbers of aphids [well, most of them do !].

I shall be keeping an eye out this summer.
... and will go and check both greenhouses & garden for overwintering / young 'uns.
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